lastmanstanding: I’ve seen goofy stuff happening here lately. The other day, a post went
up while I was nowhere near my computer. I thought someone broke in my
This forum has a 'limiter' - it limits both the number of posts/threads you submit, and the speed of your posting/threads.
If you 'trip-up' the limiter, it'll queue your posts/threads, and then automatically release them later, without you having to do anything.
When you press the 'Post Reply' button or the 'Start New Topic' button, there is a three-stage process - as long as the first one (the upload stage) is completed and is 'ticked' - your new post/thread is in the forum system.
It will either go on to be processed immediately and made visible straight-away or, if you're posting too much/too quickly, it'll be queued for display later.
It seems that Jehovah lol submitted at least six new threads within a very short space of time - with them pressing the 'Start New Topic' each time - this means that their threads are being queued, with one now being 'released' and made public every 12 hours....