truthseeker: Can we make this an official thread for UK congregations being
merged/disbanded so I can update the list. I will post the results when
I don't think there have been many - TBH, most of the feedback seems to be along the lines of congregations moving to another KH, rather than actually merging or being disbanded.
Slightly OT, but below is from an old post of mine - comparing US to UK
There are THREE very big differences:
Firstly, in real terms, there are 43% LESS JWs in Britain than the US
when compared to population - this means that a US town of 40,000 will
have a congregation of 150, but in Britain the congregation would only
have 87 publishers.
Secondly, as a whole, the UK is 800% more densely populated than the US
- even the whole of England EXCLUDING London, is more densely populated
than the WHOLE of the US (including New York State, but excluding New
Jersey and Rhode Island) - but this means that people in the UK are MUCH
LESS willing to travel.
truthseeker: Anniesland congregation in Scotland
It is still listed on JWorg as a congregation. They host a foreign language group, but otherwise they do not share their KH.
It would surprise me if the rumour was actually a possible move of the congregation to the next nearest KH, also with just one congregation using it, that is only a 10 minute drive away.
That would mean that the Anniesland KH could be sold, but the congregation would remain, they would just meet at another KH.