I thought this thread was going to be about Budweiser beer enthusiasts.
so, i have recently been delving in buddhism and i must say it all makes sense!
like, the philosophies and ideas are what i've always believed but could never put a name to.
for example, they don't believe in god, they teach acceptance of all faiths, that peace can be achieved - not by changing other people - but by changing yourself, that everyone has goodness in themselves, that happiness can be gained internally (not externally as a gift from god), and that life is temporary so we should enjoy it!
I thought this thread was going to be about Budweiser beer enthusiasts.
from reddit:.
greetings to all, i am new to this site and am enjoying the topics.
briefly, my family suffered my older/deceased brother's molestation when he was 13, in the congregation.
to this day, my mother still defends the elders that dealt with this situation.
Welcome, and sorry.
This org. knows how to inflict pain like no other.
(Great username)
what's with all this new kingdom hall building?
just watched jw broadcasting about their master plan for building new kingdom halls.
sounds like a big deal.
Yes, it's the Climax book.
If you can get a copy, the headbands are endless.
(Also, all of the rebel men are wearing dress shirts - no tees, or anything else)
And, the grass-eating lion (think Wizard of Oz) is being protected by a lamb.
The sticks are twigs, 14-inches long, and 1 inch thick. (Think SCTV -
Ahh, WT at its best.
hi this is for the lurkers.. please start reading from another translation and use tools like to verify the differences you find.. biblehub has an interlinear and a strongs concordance and heaps of dictionaries and commentaries.. you don't have to be a translator but you can clearly see how the watchtower bible and tract society has changed the bible to devalue jesus, to support their idea of a paradise earth hope for christians and many other false doctrines.. i could never understand why the jw's where attacked when they chose to translate the bible - now i know.. seriously people, there are a lot smarter people than me on this forum and heaps of research.
don't be afraid of the truth!.
Summary of: Selling Hitler: Propaganda and the Nazi Brand
The Nazis pursued propaganda not just as a tool, an instrument of government, but also as the totality, the raison d'etre, the medium through which power itself was exercised. Moreover, Nicholas O'Shaughnessy argues, Hitler, not Goebbels, was the prime mover in the propaganda regime of the Third Reich - its editor and first author. Under the Reich everything was a propaganda medium, a building-block of public consciousness, from typography to communiques, to architecture, to weapons design. There were groups to initiate rumours and groups to spread graffiti. Everything could be interrogated for its propaganda potential, every surface inscribed with polemical meaning, whether an enemy city's name, an historical epic or the poster on a neighbourhood wall. But Hitler was in no sense an innovator - his ideas were always second- hand. Rather his expertise was as a packager, fashioning from the accumulated mass of icons and ideas, the historic debris, the labyrinths and byways of the German mind, a modern and brilliant political show articulated through deftly managed symbols and rituals. The Reich would have been unthinkable without propaganda - it would not have been the Reich.
Substitute Hitler and Reich with Rutherford and Watch Tower - no different.
It's all propaganda.
hi this is for the lurkers.. please start reading from another translation and use tools like to verify the differences you find.. biblehub has an interlinear and a strongs concordance and heaps of dictionaries and commentaries.. you don't have to be a translator but you can clearly see how the watchtower bible and tract society has changed the bible to devalue jesus, to support their idea of a paradise earth hope for christians and many other false doctrines.. i could never understand why the jw's where attacked when they chose to translate the bible - now i know.. seriously people, there are a lot smarter people than me on this forum and heaps of research.
don't be afraid of the truth!.
Gosh, even Indiana Jones used it!
I remember that well.
Jehovah is a recognized English version of YHWH.
Don't strawman.
It was EXTREMELY unused.
Rutherford grabbed it as a brand, pure and simple.
hi this is for the lurkers.. please start reading from another translation and use tools like to verify the differences you find.. biblehub has an interlinear and a strongs concordance and heaps of dictionaries and commentaries.. you don't have to be a translator but you can clearly see how the watchtower bible and tract society has changed the bible to devalue jesus, to support their idea of a paradise earth hope for christians and many other false doctrines.. i could never understand why the jw's where attacked when they chose to translate the bible - now i know.. seriously people, there are a lot smarter people than me on this forum and heaps of research.
don't be afraid of the truth!.
"Re: the origin of the word Jehovah that was in the Aid book - why did WTS remove that important piece of history from the Insight book"?
You mean that it was coined by some Catholic monk? I have no idea, I would have left it there.
Part of WTS' policy of both rewriting and obscuring their history.
Rutherford took a page out of his contemporary's "branding" strategy (Hitler - moustache, and swastika flag design).
Rutherford's masterpiece was grabbing the obscure, seldom-used word Jehovah, and definitively stating that this was God's name.
The next critical step was also a masterpiece - "Jehovah's organization."
"wait on Jehovah"
"jehovah's elders"
"leave it in Jehovah's hands"
"jehovah's way"
"jehovah's servants"
"trust in Jehovah"
"rely on Jehovah"
Brilliant, and appalling.
rcmp reports for july 14 to 20 .
wilkie, saskatchewan, rcmp reports for july 14 to 20.
- rcmp received a complaint of individuals loitering behind a business.
Reminds me an interior BC town (10k pop.).
Front-page news story - police are very concerned about the increase of double-parking downtown.
hi this is for the lurkers.. please start reading from another translation and use tools like to verify the differences you find.. biblehub has an interlinear and a strongs concordance and heaps of dictionaries and commentaries.. you don't have to be a translator but you can clearly see how the watchtower bible and tract society has changed the bible to devalue jesus, to support their idea of a paradise earth hope for christians and many other false doctrines.. i could never understand why the jw's where attacked when they chose to translate the bible - now i know.. seriously people, there are a lot smarter people than me on this forum and heaps of research.
don't be afraid of the truth!.
That clearly indicates that Jesus was not made , so could not be an angel .By adding the word " other " they are lumping Jesus in with created things .
WTS used to boast about Russell's study methods, which were to have NO PRECONCEIVED IDEAS, and to let the Bible speak for itself.
The NWT was created because of the preconceived ideas affecting all other translations.
( WT June 1, 1969 However, at times translators betray unfaithfulness to the original text. )
It is therefore interesting following the evolution of WTS manipulation, esp. with the word [other] in Colossians, blithely stating that the word "other" should be inserted to make the verses make sense - but, at least, they had a disclaimer with words in [ ] that were added by Freddy.
The 2013 NWT however just disposes of the [ ] and leaves the words stand alone as though they were part of the original Greek.
Re: the origin of the word Jehovah that was in the Aid book - why did WTS remove that important piece of history from the Insight book?