Thanks for the info.
Checked their Alberta site - their philosophy seems interesting.
We just don't call each other "Bro this & bro that"
(BTW - they actually put "Bro" in their contact info - kind of funny)
i need information how the organization teaches members to shun any dealings with those they think are apostates, i am being labeled apostate by uncle crap head.
where is the magazine about "we wish we had the authority to kill apostates like the days of israel but the government does not allow this"?
do you have a list because my lawyer is going before a judge to show that, there is no way we can speak with them superfine's because they view us as the walking dead.
Thanks for the info.
Checked their Alberta site - their philosophy seems interesting.
We just don't call each other "Bro this & bro that"
(BTW - they actually put "Bro" in their contact info - kind of funny)
i need information how the organization teaches members to shun any dealings with those they think are apostates, i am being labeled apostate by uncle crap head.
where is the magazine about "we wish we had the authority to kill apostates like the days of israel but the government does not allow this"?
do you have a list because my lawyer is going before a judge to show that, there is no way we can speak with them superfine's because they view us as the walking dead.
Going in, and mentioning my destination, the manager fumbled with his ring,
Just for clarification - this manager was the manager of the auto dealership?
i need information how the organization teaches members to shun any dealings with those they think are apostates, i am being labeled apostate by uncle crap head.
where is the magazine about "we wish we had the authority to kill apostates like the days of israel but the government does not allow this"?
do you have a list because my lawyer is going before a judge to show that, there is no way we can speak with them superfine's because they view us as the walking dead.
I joined a fraternal group
Can you share more about your experience with this group?
(How long a member, activities, etc.?)
paragraph 13. .
ever since [ 1914 ], mankind has experienced the truthfulness of these inspired words: woe for the earth and for the sea, because the devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time.. i cannot believe how dubs allow themselves to be convinced that the world is getting worse and worse each year.. poverty -.
Paragraph 13
Ever since [ 1914 ], mankind has experienced the truthfulness of these inspired words: “Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time.
I cannot believe how Dubs allow themselves to be convinced that the world is getting worse and worse each year.
Poverty -
Hi Tigerlove.
JW's seem to be extremely attractive prospects for partners.
Great effort is made to portray an "All American," moral, family-oriented, loyal, lifestyle.
If you spend any amount of time researching "The Truth About 'The Truth,' " , or TTATT, you will find that this religion creates the exact opposite. That is, everyone in this religion must be expected to viciously, and mercilessly, turn on any other member, including immediate family, children, parent, and spouse.
Your BF has challenges with this religion, However, he has not awoken to TTATT. As such, he is "damaged goods."
Truth and logic are not relevant.
My ongoing post:
All Dubs have been infected with a potent virus that controls their thinking.
Will he ever wake up?
You are taking an extreme gamble in him right now.
Your love is not enough to conquer this virus.
He needs to wake up to this virus and WANT to fight it on his own FIRST.
heard of some co's being "let go".
anyone else heard anything like this in the last few days?
I could envision a Circuit "Manager" who visits twice per year, making sure that "Caesar's requirements" are followed (are you sending in money to the Branch properly?), which visits would only take about 2 days - so he could do 2 to 3 congos per week.
The Circuit "Encourager" could then concentrate his efforts on "spiritual matters" (recruiting) for 1 full week every 9 months.
to all congregations in the united states branch territory .
re: jw congregation support .
dear brothers: .
It's probably so they can divert money into that corporation and keep it separate. That way, when they get sued, they can say "look, we don't have any money! Sure JW Congregation Support, Inc has money, but they are their own thing over there. You can't have their money".
This is Corporate Asset Management 101.
Eg. if a corporation leases out equipment, the equipment is owned by a separate corporation than the the corporation that does the lease agreements.
An extra layer of insulation against lawsuits.
JW Support only OWNS the buildings, and leases to the congos.
What takes place inside is the responsibility of the congo, not JW Support.
i think you people would like to know that since the public hearing has finished.
there has been ongoing contact made to me by the staff at the rc.
they have been inundated with calls and the same experiences or similar ones are being related.. the staff are not backwards in coming forwards with insights that they have shared.
I don't know what sort of shepherding is being done. It may be with a cattle prod for all I know. I think the RC just caused a bit of a reaction here in that they may be looking up some of those "women or men" who suffered or have faded. Not sure at all......still, in all it's good to know things are ticking along......
That would be my guess.
That, in order to appear more concerned, the branch is starting to follow-up on their existing files.
heard of some co's being "let go".
anyone else heard anything like this in the last few days?
This wouldn't make sense unless they were older IMO.
I cannot imagine anyone with the necessary skillset that would ever want to be a CO.
so, i have recently been delving in buddhism and i must say it all makes sense!
like, the philosophies and ideas are what i've always believed but could never put a name to.
for example, they don't believe in god, they teach acceptance of all faiths, that peace can be achieved - not by changing other people - but by changing yourself, that everyone has goodness in themselves, that happiness can be gained internally (not externally as a gift from god), and that life is temporary so we should enjoy it!