Hi Tigerlove.
JW's seem to be extremely attractive prospects for partners.
Great effort is made to portray an "All American," moral, family-oriented, loyal, lifestyle.
If you spend any amount of time researching "The Truth About 'The Truth,' " , or TTATT, you will find that this religion creates the exact opposite. That is, everyone in this religion must be expected to viciously, and mercilessly, turn on any other member, including immediate family, children, parent, and spouse.
Your BF has challenges with this religion, However, he has not awoken to TTATT. As such, he is "damaged goods."
Truth and logic are not relevant.
My ongoing post:
All Dubs have been infected with a potent virus that controls their thinking.
Will he ever wake up?
You are taking an extreme gamble in him right now.
Your love is not enough to conquer this virus.
He needs to wake up to this virus and WANT to fight it on his own FIRST.