JoinedPosts by berrygerry
Today I got a review that left me scratching my head - what do you make of it?
by Brock Talon inas a published author on amazon, i'm used to getting negative reviews from time to time.
it goes with the territory and i'm ok with it.
writing is an art form, so no art is liked by everyone.
Troll post, IMO. Worst spelling ever. No other reviews. -
The Collins dictionary says a generation is the average time between 2 generations of a species, about 35 years for humans.
It's not the English definition of "generation." but the Greek definition of "genea."
WTS' previous definition (the wicked) seems to have been the most accepted.
The switch to "the anointed," and then "the anointed prior to 1992" is whack.
New Light - GT as the cut-off point
by berrygerry ina redditor caught this in w15 7/15 p. 15 par.
5. should we conclude, though, that the destruction of the religions of babylon the great results in the death of all the former members of those religions?
apparently not.. .
Actually after thinking about this, this is just another very ambiguous statement of WT.
That is, the adherents of BTG will not be destroyed along with BTG, but that does not mean that they will survive Armageddon.
New Light - GT as the cut-off point
by berrygerry ina redditor caught this in w15 7/15 p. 15 par.
5. should we conclude, though, that the destruction of the religions of babylon the great results in the death of all the former members of those religions?
apparently not.. .
A redditor caught this in w15 7/15 p. 15 par. 5
Should we conclude, though, that the destruction of the religions of Babylon the Great results in the death of all the former members of those religions? Apparently not.
This is a change from God's Kingdom Has Approached book.
So, last-minute conversions after seeing the fulfillment of Mt. 24, 1 Thess,, and Rev. are possible, right?
Today's Special Day Assembly Expenses and the $10,499 Deficit. Silent Majority?
by Tenacious intoday i attended a one-day assembly in my hometown.
i knew when it came time to read the afternoon expenses that it would be an incredibly high and ridiculous amount that was nowhere near the real expenses for that day.
sure enough, after lunch came the announcement.
Although I resent being in the class of "older" and of "witnesses", I am very much aware of Russell's quote. The constant begging, even by the GB, would be a clear indication that Jehovah has withdrawn his support.
When the GB meets on Wednesday mornings, they should wondering why it has happened too. Also, why are they losing so many court cases when in the past, they won almost all the court cases?
Matt 24:48-51
Reflecting on my Disfellowshipping
by kairos intoday is the day.. i was baptized as one of jehovah's witnesses on march 25th 1989.disfellowshipped for admitted apostasy today, september 10th 2015.. what an amazing story we all share.
how did we get involved with this group and think this was the best way of life?.
i asked my wife to stay home from the meeting tonight and spend the evening with me.she is.... we celebrated our 19th wedding anniversary this past monday.. i must admit, i never saw any of this coming, but it couldn't have come sooner.i'm free of all the fake friendships.
I've been out 1.5 years, but still have numerous residual engrains. If you do too, you are not alone.
This week at the meeting elders call friend in the room.
by poopie inok heres latest at kh .i have a friend of mine who is df but trying to get reinstated i know you may ask why but its a free country anyway he is a frienldly chap and likes to say hello to old friends.
he does his hellos very discreetly not makeing a scene.
well the elders have noticed him saying hello to people at hall so they invited him in back room.
I thought they all were so unfriendly.
You need to come as a newbie looking for more information.
"Getting Baptized Is A Protection...."
by dubstepped ini'm sure that most of us heard that line when we were young.
i never could convince myself of that, other than that it hung a blade over my head that would then be on the chopping block should i err in some way and thus they would be protected from me, but i also knew that i needed to do so anyway.
otherwise i'd be a pariah if i got older and didn't take the step, and i wanted to be good in their eyes.
It is a similar threat that the Catholic Church gives to parents if their baby isn't baptized...then it cannot go to heaven if it dies.The JWs are in many ways not too different from the churches they despise.
Dubs are a million times worse.
Even though Catholics are close to 1/2 of the Christian population in Western lands, do you know of a single one that you have been told to avoid because they have been excommunicated?
Getting ready to visit the San Diego area......Any suggestions?
by drewcoul inmy son is getting ready to move to hawaii.
we are driving from indianapolis to san diego next week so that they can ship his car from the west coast and save about a thousand dollars versus shipping it from here.
i am only going to be there for a few days, thursday through sunday and would like some suggestions of what to do while i'm there.
It's been a while, and I'm a Canuck, but great food, including great Mexican. -
Thinking about taking my fiance to a meeting.. going as a "worldly person"
by OneStepOut93 ini may take my fiance to a meeting.
give them fake names and just see how my fiance reacts.
he's been curious about seeing what i hated so much about the whole thing (not that he'll really understand everything, i mean of course he never will to my extent but)... i'd like to see what an outsiders view on the whole thing would be as well.
Video the love-bombing after the meeting.
After 10 minutes, have him say "I'm DF'd."
Post it on YouTube.
Great social experiment.