On reddit.
I've been expecting this.
Any confirmation?
on reddit.. i've been expecting this.. any confirmation?.
On reddit.
I've been expecting this.
Any confirmation?
this strange couple was seen on main st. in vancouver, b.c.
a casual observer would be hard pressed to figure out their relationship.
the man seems a little young for the woman.
Just to clarify the SEEMING contradiction.
(Most of the text is on reddit: )
Now we have apostates and... opposers that would... like God's people to think that the Faithful Slave is dogmatic. And they expect uh you to accept everything that comes out from headquarters... as if it's... dogma. Arbitrarily... decided. Well, this does not apply.
"This does not apply." You are not asked to accept everything from HQ.
if you want Jehovah's blessing on you as uh an individual or a family, certainly as a elder or a congregation, it'd be best to just ask Jehovah to help you understand it, but obey, the decision.
So, you are not asked to ACCEPT everything, but you are required to OBEY everything.
if a fellow j.w.
asked a publisher/pioneer/missionary j.w., "how are your hours this month", they will gladly reveal how many hours they've racked up "for jehovah.".
now ask them, "how much money have you contributed to kingdom interests this month", they'd look at you as if you were beelzebub himself, and tell you that that was "personal.
please, who can provide an intelligent rebuttal to the following illustration?
i always thought it was bullet-proof:.
"if your doctor directs you to 'abstain from alcohol' would you be ok to have it injected into your veins rather than drink it?
There is a great response on yahoo.
Acts also forbade meat sacrificed to idols, but Paul later allowed it. Why?
Sorry, Olivia, politely, yet strongly, disagree.
Jesus with his whips in the temple (twice?).
Paul, in the marketplace, and at the Areopagus, and everywhere else, being asked a question, and turning tail and running?
Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch?
ad infinitum the rest of the NT/Greek Scriptures.
The WTS' version of first-century Christianity is:
"Hey, we have an amazing collection of scrolls available in your area - please read them instead of asking us questions."
(BTW - I was a street-witnessing RP back in the day, and would kick ANYBODY's ass - I would never back down or run away.)
wt study edition jan. 2015.
here is the bait:.
as the number of kingdom proclaimers increases and as we near the end of this system of things, there is an urgent need for more facilities.
I guess the solution is to stop watching the news.
• Start with a simple comment, perhaps a greeting. Jesus did not begin his conversation with the Samaritan woman by talking about the Kingdom. (John 4:7) Sometimes a conversation can be initiated by giving commendation: “Your children are so well-behaved!” Asking a question is another possible conversation starter: “Did you see that news report last night?”
Mention a tragedy that is in the news. Then say: “Why do you think God allows such things to occur? [Allow for response.] According to the Bible, God feels compassion for those who suffer. [Read Exodus 3:7.] The Bible also tells us why God allows suffering and that he will soon end it forever. This magazine explains.”
▪ “Hello. My name is . . . I’m not a telemarketer; I am one of your neighbors from . . . Street. Many in the community are concerned about . . .” [Mention a current news item of local concern.]
another "generation" thread....i know!
when splane wanted a scripture that demonstrated the bible's use of the word he went all the way back to moses and used ex.
1.6. he could have stayed in the same book and used matthew chapter 1,written by the same hand.
Posted this on another thread, but cannot locate it.
The Collins dictionary says a generation is the average time between 2 generations of a species, about 35 years for humans.
It's not the English definition of "generation." but the Greek definition of "genea."
WTS' previous definition (the wicked) seems to have been the most accepted.
The switch to "the anointed," and then "the anointed prior to 1992" is whack.
movie stars travel to, or buy their own private beaches, they get invited to fun parties, and are able to buy not one, but several fast sport cars like jay leno.
they can buy their own planes and helicopters and fly them like harrison ford.
(how much fun would that be?
Magnum nailed it.
Big fish in a very small pond.