Matt 24:48, 49
what if the society know it only has to lose one big case to lose a whole set of cases on precedent of the first case?.
this means they will lose millions of dollars in lawsuits and settlements.
which means their financial stability is under threat.
Matt 24:48, 49
i haven't posted for quite awhile, just usually lurk, but thought surely someone would have noticed this on
this was under the article about distractions.
i clicked on the article and below is the "accurate" prediction that the wt made back in 1958. this has to prove they have jehovah's backing, don't you think?
Bit of a weird post, IMO.
WTS has always railed against "distractions," which are anything in life non-WT.
Pre-1985 index:
(See also Concentration; Entertainment; Materialism; Study)
multitude of books: g78 1/22 3-4
overcoming, when studying: g84 8/8 13-14; w71 71-72; qm 214; w57 469; qm55 214
Post 1985 index:
experience of Witness who loved handball: w11 10/15 3-4
fighting distraction: w92 5/1 20-21
meaning of term: km 4/94 3
not allowing to impede spiritual progress: w98 5/15 19; w92 8/1 11
prevalence of, due to high-tech communications: g 2/10 30
serving Jehovah without: w12 3/15 17; w09 8/15 28-29; cf 93-94; km 4/94 3-4
please stop it !!!.
we love them.
we all love them.
Psalm 82
God takes his place in the divine assembly; In the middle of the gods he judges:
2 “How long will you continue to judge with injustice? And show partiality to the wicked?
(Selah) 3 Defend the lowly and the fatherless. Render justice to the helpless and destitute.
4 Rescue the lowly and the poor; Save them out of the hand of the wicked.”
5 They do not know, nor do they understand; They are walking about in darkness; All the foundations of the earth are being shaken.
6 “I have said, ‘You are gods, All of you are sons of the Most High.
7 But you will die just as men do; And like any other prince you will fall!’”
i appreciate the work of the u.n.. jw appreciate and share the values of the u.n. too.. jw-attorneys submit country reports to the human rights committee.
next session of the hrc will be from 9 october - 6 november 2015 in geneve, switzerland.. human rights committee .
What are human rights?
Rights of an institution (a WTS corp. or subsidiary)?
Or rights of a "human?"
i just read an email from a friend, and she shared some very interesting emails from her friends about information on changes now happening at the bethels around the world.
here is the email: .
---------------------------------thanks sally, jesus is directing the org and all decisions and instructions to us may not seem practical from now on, neither will we understand the reasonings behind many of the changes that the organization makes.
As we get closer to the end, some decisions may be made that we perhaps don’t understand, that may seem to go against all logic. Whatever the reasons, obeying and accepting those decisions will result in blessings..
Hopefully, they never start passing out Kool-Aid because I'm pretty sure the majority of them would drink it.
Their members are poor their congregations are poor and only the equity in the properties in New York made them solvent. Maybe just hopefully their solvency is gone.
a good source just just told me that at morning worship today that the governing body announced that a total of 1600 bethelites will be let get go and not transferred to warwich when the last property is sold in brooklyn and all kingdom hall building projects are on hold for at least a year so that all the focus will be on the preaching work.
Are they planning to beg for more money at the meeting and tell the r&f that they are in such a pickle that they have had to cancel projects, proving that they desperately need every penny they can get?
This actually makes the most sense.
Televangelism at its finest.
have you read the article, "this is our place of worship" in the july 15, 2015 study edition of the watchtower?
it is the study article for this coming sunday.
note the brainwashing techniques they're using to condition the jws to a total takeover of their kingdom halls, in the excerpts below.
Don't mean to be a party pooper here, but as far as I was aware, congregations did not make decisions themselves to build Kingdom Halls and did not do the planning or construction work on their own. Decisions were obviously made at a branch level based on CO or DO recommendations; I don't know who applied for local authority planning permission, but the regional building committees then probably took over the task of funding and actually building the premises. Yes, they relied very heavily on volunteer labour and donations from local congregation members, but those local JWs had not actually caused the hall to come to be.
You're pretty late to the party.
in my mind i see this as a very real situation developing rapidly world wide as these child molestation pay out become public knowledge and can no longer be denied or kept secret from the r&f.
pretty soon the governing body will be the but of many jokes at headquarters and abroad.
they are being caught red handed while robbing the cookie jar.
according to the 2014 annual report:.
"worldwide, there are 115,416 congregations of jehovahs witnesses and 8,201,545 publishers.".
i don't understand how the borg is facing financial difficulty.
Something is going on - I doubt if we will ever truly know, unless the whole thing really did implode.
on reddit.. i've been expecting this.. any confirmation?.
On reddit.
I've been expecting this.
Any confirmation?