Simon, at first I almost thought that you were trolling your own site.
Institutional shunning is spiritual abuse, which has become recognized as being as harmful as other forms of abuse.
( See )
IMO, one of the absolutely most insane court decisions of all time was when the US Supreme Court decided that corporations are persons (and therefore have some rights ??? ).
Although WT exploits the insanity of this US view, as well as the other US "freedom of religion" (which they interpret as freedom BY THE RELIGION), the rest of the world, and esp. CommonWealth countries [Oz, UK, Canada, etc.], are not bound by such nonsense.)
The ONLY way that WT has managed to even make it to 2015 is because of income and property tax exemptions (as well as tax deductions for for member donations) (and, in Canada, GST credit refunds [a sick, largely unknown teat-suck, told to the congos by the Branch] ). (Rutherford saw the writing on the wall when he decided that "TRUE" religion was not a snare and a racket.)
CRA charity eligibility states ( ):
Activities that are illegal or contrary to Canadian public policy
Organizations that undertake illegal activities (e.g., fraud, or money laundering) will not qualify for registration.
Organizations with activities contrary to Canadian public policy will
not qualify for registration. A public policy is a definite and
officially declared and implemented policy (i.e., found in an act of
Parliament, or a regulation).
Elucidate your position, which I see as, that WT is not violating Canadian public policy by instructing its members to selectively spiritually abuse certain individuals, as so deemed exclusively by WT or its reps.