So, Orphan, I'm trying to understand the going back to the polls
thing. When would that happen? If parliament is all locked up and won't
pass any laws?
I mean, the US has had a do-nothing Congress for
years since the conservatives have Congress and we have a liberal
president. That's status quo here!
The US system is for the most part whack.
Having one house that needs to pass a bill, which can be killed by the other house, and then vetoed is quagmire.
Canada has two, sometimes three, main parties, There is usually a majority party in the House of Commons, who pass bills. There is a second house, the Senate (appointed, not elected), who can veto the House of Commons, but it is a token vote.
The Prime Minister is the leader of the party with the most seats.
The weather has been positively toasty here in Calgary so that will help turnout
I found it gloomy - my book-view of Lord of the Rings' sky.