WT Feb 15, 1951, p. 109
WT Feb 1, 1951 p. 90Noah was another individual in that pre-flood world who was conspicuously different from others in that he “walked with God”. He not only had outstanding faith in Jehovah; he also backed up his faith with works. Obediently he worked as commanded on what seemed to the scoffers of his day to be nothing more than a fantastic and freakish undertaking by a crazy man. There he was, up on high ground, miles from the sea, building a colossal boat in which to take refuge from something no one until then had ever seen—rain!
Well, in Noah’s day when he preached that it was going to rain down the people thought him crazy. They were used to moisture coming up from the ground and watering the vegetation, not to rain showering down from the sky.