But I do agree that the current numbers - likely to be published in full
in the 2016 Yearbook - show the decline is happening sooner than
I still say that the US will not show growth in the 2016 YB.
Let's not forget 20 million is still a pretty huge achievement.
It is and it isn't.
With the 15 minute rule completely used up, and the kiddies' baptism rate also being used up, there needs to be something to create artificial numbers.
I SEE the Mormons out virtually every day. Given that it is ONLY Mormon elders that are out, whereas ALL Dubs are MINISTERS makes a sad comment.
As well, that 8.2 million is PEAK pubs, which includes 15-minuters and 1 every six monthers.
"Studies" include 3-minute "door-step" studies. What a creative joke!
I heard a comment a few weeks ago that "You can smell Armageddon in the air."
Maybe, but not Armageddon of the kings of the earth, unless those kings are in Brooklyn / Warwick.