Your Eminence.
Thank you for choosing this forum to reveal yourself.
I notice that you are using the earthly body as a son of Hendrick.
Would that be as a descendant of Jimi, or a variation thereof?
my name is eric hendrickson.
i have been on a journey led by the holy spirit which has brought to this point that has allowed for me to open the seventh seal and understand god's master plan.
i am the lion from the lost tribe of judah who has come to the world and be the messiah king.
Your Eminence.
Thank you for choosing this forum to reveal yourself.
I notice that you are using the earthly body as a son of Hendrick.
Would that be as a descendant of Jimi, or a variation thereof?
i spent some time here awhile back as an unbelieving mate of a jw wife.
i learned a lot, and was able to be supportive and understanding when she decided to leave the jw.. unfortunately, my son seems to have internalized many of the jw teachings.
Everyone that has been touched by a high-control group is impacted, most to a significant degree.
The average therapist has little or no concept of the degree of damage that has been done.
You, your child, and his therapist should all read Bonnie Zieman's book:
dear all, need some advice .
in my country one can get dfd for pretty much anything the bullies want to df you for.
but is there any specific guidelines that state one can or cannot be dfd for marrying a non witness.
If the elders "advise" someone to stop dating, courting, etc. anyone, and there is not a stopping, yes, they can, for "brazen conduct."
(Brazen conduct is anything not covered by anything else.)
If a Dub up and marries someone without having been advised otherwise, then they should not be DF'd, but they will not earn "privileges" indefinitely.
(This is, of course, predicated on the Dub being "scripturally free" to marry.)
i've posted the 2016 yearbook service report in excel format for public download.
here's the link:
I've posted the 2016 yearbook service report in excel format for public download. Here's the link:
Could you be talked into converting: 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012 and 2011 into excel?
the 2016 yearbook is now on the official site.
it has been added to the archive of all prior yearbooks.
the 2016 yearbook is now on the official site.
it has been added to the archive of all prior yearbooks.
Peak publishers 2014 - 8,201,545
Peak publishers 2015 - 8,220,105
270k baptized, and peak increase by 18,560 - average by 119,321
BTW - Aug 15, 2011 QFR
Peak publishers and average publishers. “Publishers” includes baptized Witnesses of Jehovah as well as unbaptized ones who qualify to be Kingdom preachers. “Peak publishers” is the highest number reporting for any one month of the service year and may include late reports that were not added to the preceding month’s report. In this way some publishers may be counted twice. However, the peak figure does not include the number of publishers who actually shared in the ministry but forgot to report. This emphasizes the importance of each publisher reporting promptly each month. “Average publishers” is the typical number of different ones reporting time in the ministry each month.
watching pbs.. herodium - a mountain built by herod.. wt obliquely states that herod build his palace upon a "hill.".
what bs.. this guy created a mountain unequaled, even by the pyramids, and then built his palace upon it.. why the non-mention of this historic feat?.
Watching PBS.
Herodium - a MOUNTAIN built by Herod.
WT obliquely states that Herod build his palace upon a "hill."
What BS.
This guy created a mountain unequaled, even by the pyramids, and then built his palace upon it.
Why the non-mention of this historic feat?
so, this week's sm has extracts from the yearbook.. the [police] chief turned to his assistant and said, in all my 32years of serving on the force, i have never heard anyonethank us for our work!.
in our area, people thank the police daily, never mind in 32 years..
So, this week's SM has extracts from the Yearbook.
The [police] chief turned to his assistant and said, “In all my 32
years of serving on the force, I have never heard anyone
thank us for our work!”
In our area, people thank the police daily, never mind in 32 years.
inspiring, choose.... i'll start with inspiring: .
frodo: i wish the ring had never come to me.
i wish none of this had happened.gandalf: so do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide.
You always were an asshole, Gorman
the emotions from this are surreal:.
(kudos for the kid to record it).
The emotions from this are surreal:
(Kudos for the kid to record it)