WHAT IS IT? Saying something false to someone who is entitled
to know the truth.
Awesome catch.
Even in 2016, only elders, and positionally above in WT, are ENTITLED to truth.
Everyone else, WTH are you asking? Okay - back room.
it seems like the watchtower is still encouraging "theocratic warfare".
in the no.1 watchtower of 2016, they (ironically) printed an article on honesty.here is something they said:"lyingwhat is it?
saying something false to someone who is entitledto know the truth.
WHAT IS IT? Saying something false to someone who is entitled
to know the truth.
Awesome catch.
Even in 2016, only elders, and positionally above in WT, are ENTITLED to truth.
Everyone else, WTH are you asking? Okay - back room.
this group built a place for non other than jesus-heck with those "ancient worthies".. just saying!.
Best Memes.
so, spent a fair bit of time on the stats.. the 2010-2015 numbers are available here: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0bwv5uvzb3-67axpzavk0m0nttfe&usp=sharing.
also there are spreadsheets of: ratios, peak-pubs, and the best is a combo of ratios, peak pubs & average pubs.. you can play with these by "select all" and "sort" according to your preference.. if you would like any other combination, i would try to create it and post it for you.. of interest:.
as has been noted, the biggest standout of 2015 is the increase of only 18k in peak pubs while having 260k baptized.
'Yet literature carts have proved to very effective'. Very effective...my ass!
When you look at the stats - none of the Peak Pub growth is in Cult Cart areas.
any body know?
Creative Days?
I always thought Creative Daze !
so, spent a fair bit of time on the stats.. the 2010-2015 numbers are available here: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0bwv5uvzb3-67axpzavk0m0nttfe&usp=sharing.
also there are spreadsheets of: ratios, peak-pubs, and the best is a combo of ratios, peak pubs & average pubs.. you can play with these by "select all" and "sort" according to your preference.. if you would like any other combination, i would try to create it and post it for you.. of interest:.
as has been noted, the biggest standout of 2015 is the increase of only 18k in peak pubs while having 260k baptized.
So, spent a fair bit of time on the stats.
The 2010-2015 numbers are available here: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BwV5UvzB3-67aXpzaVk0M0NTTFE&usp=sharing
Also there are spreadsheets of: ratios, peak-pubs, and the best is a combo of ratios, peak pubs & average pubs.
You can play with these by "Select All" and "Sort" according to your preference.
If you would like any other combination, I would try to create it and post it for you.
As has been noted, the biggest standout of 2015 is the increase of only 18k in Peak Pubs while having 260k baptized. Makes little sense.
Most of the Peak Pub growth is Africa. Nine countries (Togo, Rwanda, South Africa, Madagascar, Cameroon, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Angola, Ghana) have a total increase of 28,954 Peak Pubs.
The African countries not pulling their weight are: Congo, and the glowing poster child, Malawi.
India had an impressive increase - strange that WTS is abandoning this potential.
Besides the nine African countries and India, there were two winners for WTS, Mexico and, showing an impressive rebound, Brazil
Eastern Europe shows across the board declines. Russia's surprising growth does not offset the declines in Ukraine, if indeed Ukrainian Dubs have escaped to Russia.
Central and South America are flat as a pancake. (Excepting Brazil)
Notable losers are:
Poland, Puerto Rico, Korea, Jamaica, Chile, Congo.
Many, many countries show declines in both the ratio to population and Peak Pubs, but an increase in Avg Pubs. (See Summary below) Unless otherwise noted, this applies to North and South America, and both Eastern and Western Europe. Notable countries such as D.R., Australia, Canada, Zambia, Spain, and Britain fall into this category.
The top 17 countries had a total increase of 59,018 Peak Pubs, even though the global increase was only 18,560. They have acknowledged declines in Peak Pubs in 91 countries.
There are declines across the board in almost all metrics.
Included in these declines is the decline in Aux Pio. They must have realized this during early 2015, and hence the strong-arming for the push in August. Even with that push, there was a striking decrease from 635k to 443k - a decrease of 191,794. The increase of 45,764 Reg. Pio. does not justify this decrease.
The desperation in the push for money shows that they have run out of ideas. Their abandonment of India seems to reinforce this view.
Also, many, many countries are showing declines in both the Ratio-to-Pop and Peak Pubs, but are then showing an INCREASE in Avg Pubs. This makes no sense whatsoever, and makes it possible that they have created a new measure as to what composes the Average Publishers statistic. (The previous was already as vague as could be [Aug 15, 2011 QFR]: . “"Average publishers” is the typical number of different ones reporting time in the ministry each month." Who defines "typical"?)
IF (it remains to be seen how big of an IF it is) 2016 follows suit to 2015, then 2014 would have been the peak of WTS. (fingers crossed).
soooo... i think the main strength of this group is having the finances to keep this con game going.
i'm hoping that the pedophilia cases are draining them dry so we can be rid of this stumbling block from an organizational stand point.
how is the constant surge of bad news getting out on them effecting the everyday person in this organization?
People have an obsession with their equity as if it’s worth anything at all. “Equity” is only a word. It only becomes “money” if you downsize from a home that’s pretty much paid off to a home that’s valued at a lot less. Otherwise, equity is just an opportunity for borrowing. Great for lenders; not so great for people who have to pay the interest on all that money they’ve borrowed. So get over feeling “rich” because you have equity. You aren’t rich until you’ve converted that equity into cash./p>
my name is eric hendrickson.
i have been on a journey led by the holy spirit which has brought to this point that has allowed for me to open the seventh seal and understand god's master plan.
i am the lion from the lost tribe of judah who has come to the world and be the messiah king.
Your Eminence.
Thank you for choosing this forum to reveal yourself.
I notice that you are using the earthly body as a son of Hendrick.
Would that be as a descendant of Jimi, or a variation thereof?
i spent some time here awhile back as an unbelieving mate of a jw wife.
i learned a lot, and was able to be supportive and understanding when she decided to leave the jw.. unfortunately, my son seems to have internalized many of the jw teachings.
Everyone that has been touched by a high-control group is impacted, most to a significant degree.
The average therapist has little or no concept of the degree of damage that has been done.
You, your child, and his therapist should all read Bonnie Zieman's book:
dear all, need some advice .
in my country one can get dfd for pretty much anything the bullies want to df you for.
but is there any specific guidelines that state one can or cannot be dfd for marrying a non witness.
If the elders "advise" someone to stop dating, courting, etc. anyone, and there is not a stopping, yes, they can, for "brazen conduct."
(Brazen conduct is anything not covered by anything else.)
If a Dub up and marries someone without having been advised otherwise, then they should not be DF'd, but they will not earn "privileges" indefinitely.
(This is, of course, predicated on the Dub being "scripturally free" to marry.)