En-dor or Endor?
This was Olde English vernacular for the more modern "back door."
easing nature is it for christians?
easing nature the very phrase itself brings to mind the odious product of this activity.
yet, many people have the understanding that this natural bodily function is a practice in which true christians may engage.
En-dor or Endor?
This was Olde English vernacular for the more modern "back door."
"happy" vid.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=je6_855ucac @ about 2:25 is a bethelite with a "security" jacket.
and then here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ts23nn0emnw a "brother" at the gate claims to be sia security.
I think that the Happy video is the best JW vid ever.
Now, if only, that were reality.
some announcement of sorts?.
there are all kinds of conspiracy theories.
their head count and time cards are all faked by the gb, and "congregations".
The question in which they themselves do not know the answer.
In my mind, there is no question that they are in the process.
No corporation announces closure in advance.
Branches down, a lot. Yearbook stats, down virtually across the board.
Videos of newbies - dirt-poor Africans.
Not exactly the brightest business model.
I anticipate that 2017 will show, not just flat numbers, but genuine decline.
Meanwhile, donations are shrinking, and shark lawyers continue to circle.
After 2017, a death-spiral into "Bible Student" status.
The May 24, 2010 BOE Re: Incidents of "sexting" involving minors
I do not see it on the Jan 4, 2016 list.
Was it replaced, if so, with which letter?
question for the webmaster and authors of this site.. to what degree is logging kept on your server?.
has there been any consideration to move the server/host to for example the netherlands or iceland etc for added privacy rather than a u.s. based host such as is the case now (currently in mountain view, ca)?
any thought on allowing users to tag other users (e.g.
No worries, I'm always happy to get feedback and feature requests!One of the biggest changes from the old site to this one is the lack of being able to link to a post (not a thread, but a post).
question for the webmaster and authors of this site.. to what degree is logging kept on your server?.
has there been any consideration to move the server/host to for example the netherlands or iceland etc for added privacy rather than a u.s. based host such as is the case now (currently in mountain view, ca)?
any thought on allowing users to tag other users (e.g.
No, I think it's pointless and is an imaginary veneer of security to be honest imagining that the US government (I presume?) couldn't get your data anyway or that the WTS couldn't take action in any country.
Sorry Bud - many wise international companies use Canadian servers because of our privacy laws.
i have this poor friend that has so much to do.as an account servant.
i recently noticed that he got additional work loaded on his back by the secretary who told him that it was his responsibility to fill this register charity form return.. i remember from long ago that this was a job that the secretary had to do, but can't find it in writing.
does anyone have anything in writting on it?.
i wanted to relate an experience that happened this morning.
it is regarding the new format for the meeting on thursdays in my area.
its not word for word but im summarizing what i heard, the best i can remember.
i'm not sure why i was thinking this but does anyone else find it an incredibly rare coincidence that geoffrey jackson just so happened to be in australia attending to his father when the arc happen to be at the exact stage for him to be deposed as a witness?
what are the chances of him being in the country at that precise moment?.
divine intervention?
1 Peter 4:17
For it is the appointed time for the judgment to start with the house of God.
(In Hebrew - Bethel = House of God)