Before he died she was nice enough to send him a watchtower subscription every year. She loved him that much.
Ahh, nothing like love in the WT world.
my strange bethel courtship started with me trying to meet mike stillman's sister, even though he worked in the ink room next to my elevator, we were not good friends, he was just a little to "country" for me........and on the self-righteous side too.
they say "there is nothing more dangerous in combat then a new guy with a map!
".........well, there was nothing more dangerous at bethel then a self-righteous new boy.. .
Before he died she was nice enough to send him a watchtower subscription every year. She loved him that much.
Ahh, nothing like love in the WT world.
god forbid you would talk about the dead person at his funeral.
so what do most people get after living 70-80 years?.
a 5-10 minutes eulogy.
Funny timing.
Recently saw an obit for a former elder that had faded decades ago. He had requested no memorial service.
Noticed the same thing from another older Dub a few months back.
When someone requests no memorial service, it seems to be making a statement about their belief system.
it's amazing how the expression "the truth" has become such an ingrained term used by witnesses.. "we have 'the truth'".
"is he 'in the truth'?".
most here have found out so many facts about the organisation, and felt the effects of being "gut-punched" as we realised these facts.. so how do you feel about the expression "the truth" now?.
One of Rutherford's brilliant marketing moves.
(Together with "Serve Jehovah" = Serve Watch Tower, as well as: Advertise, Advertise, Advertise)
Rutherford belonged on Madison Avenue - he would have made even more (but without the fanfare and accolades accorded to him, Jo. Smith, and L. Ron Hubbard)
his mother chooses to miss out on all this.
Incorrect word choice, IMO.
She does not choose - she has been mandated to do this by her leaders.
WT creates "emotional martyrs."
just realized this recently - as a jw, i never "owned" any of my accomplishments or talents & abilities....we were always told how we are nothing, just specks of dust, grasshoppers, worms.... lowly, despicable sinners in need of redemption, born into sin & misery, constantly facing temptations that we could never handle on our own but only with "jehovah's help"... so we were continually marginalized, all our abilities and talents... they would even quote scriptures that said things like "why should we boast as if we didn't receive these abilities..?
"it was a weird mentally psychotic dichotomy -- being told we were worthless sinners, undeserving of god's kindness -- and on the other hand being the only ones who would survive the great day of jehovah the almighty god at armageddon.
(well, probably, maybe, if we did enough and *kept* doing enough...)so we didn't "own" any of our abilities and accomplishments.
I read your post while reading the following in a book:
High self-esteem provides the power to know what and who we are. It gives us the courage to live out that very personal knowledge in our daily actions, choices and way of interacting with the world. Conversely, low self-esteem cripples the ability to "make waves" on behalf of what we know is right and truthful for ourselves. In extreme cases, it hides what the individual wants. In striving to achieve emotional security, acceptance and a sense of belonging, people who don't think well of themselves violate their own life and its directives in favor of the wishes and expectations of others.
WT crushes self-esteem for their exploitative purpose.
a few days ago, in canadian news, torstar will be selling its printing plant, and outsourcing its print operations in a 5-year deal.
among other ventures, torstar owns canada's largest daily, the toronto star.
a few days ago, in canadian news, torstar will be selling its printing plant, and outsourcing its print operations in a 5-year deal.
among other ventures, torstar owns canada's largest daily, the toronto star.
A few days ago, in Canadian news, Torstar will be selling its printing plant, and outsourcing its print operations in a 5-year deal. Among other ventures, Torstar owns Canada's largest daily, The Toronto Star.
Today, Postmedia announced job cuts and mergers
What is of interest in Torstar's history is that in Oct 2012, they introduced a "paywall" for access to content online. However, this was a failure, and ended in Apr 2015.
As with most things, Watch Tower is about 5-10 years behind reality.
(We've sent out a whopping 6,000 missionaries over the last 70 years. Take that, Christendom!)
Pay-for-print went the way of the dodo 10 years ago.
Caleb and Sophia? What is this? The Looney Tunes era?
Televangelism? Of all the things. Seriously?
Ahh. But, we now have a website, with many pages in lots of obscure languages. OMFG, congratulations.
This is actually becoming fun to watch.
i have some unique and troubling news.
i just got off the telephone with scott boer, vicki boer's husband and before that vicki.
her honour, justice anne molloy, has just ruled on the legal cost issue in the boer case.
boe 2016-01-15 re: new feature on for processing recommendations of elders and ministerial servants.
thanks ich3b!.
That PDF should be sent to Rick Simons and Irwin Zalkin.
WT keeps trying to move towards the position that they have no involvement in the appointment of Elders and MS's.
johnny normal is watching television one day when he hears a knock at the door.
answering it he sees two jehovah's witnesses clutching bibles; and one a brief case.
over the next few months things are going well.
I was strong-armed into quitting my job (which I dearly loved, even to this day). This was about 6-8 months into "studying."
A friend was pressured into marrying someone he didn't really love (Jehovah will make it work).