Hi Berry (or anyone who can shed light on this)Where did Lett say that Abel witnessed his own birth? I could not find that statement.
Quote was:
Adam and Eve told him about God's promises when they were expelled from the Garden. Abel could see God's word had come true. Jehovah told Eve her labor pain would increase Abel could see Jehovah's promise came true when Even bore children.
The Bible explicitly gives the order of Adam having intercourse (only twice - doesn't explain Abel's conception - why state intercourse to procreate Cain, and intercourse to procreate Seth, but not Abel) with Eve, and their first three children: Cain, Abel, and Seth.
Nowhere is there any indication of children having been born between Abel and Seth.
Eve proclaimed that Seth was a replacement for her dead son Abel. (Gen 4:25)
If Seth were a replacement for Abel, and there are no recorded children between those two, then how did Abel witness Eve's agony of childbirth?