I agree with the other posts.
By the way, we all know WT specifies "to shun."
Get those toxics out of your life, and out of your children's lives.
Shun them.
Tell them until they decide to live like TRUE Christians, that you want nothing more to do with them.
March 15, 1955 WT
“Having a Form of Godly Devotion”
WHAT motive prompts our religion, our form of worship? Is it love for God, for what he is and what he has done for us? Is it done because we want to praise and honor him? Or is it based on what we hope to get out of it, because of some material benefits we hope to receive, such as being thought well of by others? Are we worshiping God with spirit and truth, or are we having only “a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power”?—2 Tim. 3:5, NW.