Does your country have an equivalent of "natural justice"?
i'm quite surprised about the new approach of some local congregation brothers respect about my fade.... funny, ilegal and very dangerous in view of the different laws regarding personal data and minorities in spain and in the eu.... i already organized a press meeting with main newspapers in spain.
many has shown interest in this situation.
the fact of that a parallel judicial system do exist is amazing them.
Does your country have an equivalent of "natural justice"?
this topic is related to the one about the relocation of publishers and moving and dissolving congregations.. some of the things that we are seeing now were unthinkable a few years back, examples the closing of the branches, layoff of bethelites and travelling overseers, the grabbing of the congregations funds and many more.
some of my friends tell me that basically the wt was operating with an early 20th century business model that needed a tune up and that worldly consultants are behind the changes that have been implemented.. nevertheless to put it in hollywood terms, they seem to think that they are on a “mission from god” and that they are “going where no man, has gone before”..
So if a worldly consulting firm was hired
Every ex-Bethelite story is the same. Department heads haven't a clue what they are doing, and are ruled by ego only.
When literature becomes a loss-leader, and is your main product, you will face SERIOUS financial trouble.
Some HARD decisions had to be made.
Those outside can only speculate on whether or not enough is being done.
(Given the fact that there were ZERO new releases this year ... )
i was really puzzled when i opened this edition of the wt magazine at the above “study”.
what on earth has this picture at the top of page 13 got to do with christian watchfulness?
i wasn’t making a connection at all.
You needed to ask whose ego is being bruised by the walkers and talkers?
this notice is not official yet and it should be confidential until released thru the proper channels.
a friend of mine told me about a huge elders meeting in southern california.
the subject was the relocation and dissolution of some congregations; it seems that this is the result of some project that has been going on for some time and is going to be implemented right now.. please let me know if this is happening all over the country?.
Huh, so it's not just in northern Alberta.
More info please.
the crime is ,condoning the removal of and shunning of jw children ,who when older want to express freedom of religion and attend another church.
god created family unit ,gb destroys lives on all levels of family tree.
can this be the unforgivable sin?.
They have definitely been 'beating their fellow slaves.'
this morning the jws are working my neighborhood.
i have a birds eye view from my upstairs office.
on my side of the street is three men with a baby in a stroller.
Suits are preferred, but as long as there is a tie.
original thread here.
update: so, after the meeting i had with elders a few weeks ago as outlined in my original thread, they met as a body and once again called to tell me that after considering my case they still thought a judicial committee should be held against me and asked to be there "thursday at 7:30".
all of this, i remind you, because of posting coc on facebook.
The key here is that you sent it in writing.
google has a great search engine.
and gb member can find it a valuable aid to see what the world outside of jws thinks of them.
hey they should know what being said about them it would make them better gbs, it would give them a good view of their 'shadow' (jungian) and might make them more effective ceo of jehovah's chariot.if am3 typed in "anthony morris governing body" look at all the neat stuff he would find.. i know google is tailored to each individual but here's what comes up on my screen:.
Only If You Google Me First Sam!..
...................Google Me Anthony!!......................Then We Can Have A Cigarette..
Damn, you look mighty fine with my glasses off.
I was about to say the same.
I warned you that those pants were too tight. Now, take them off immediately.
Why do you always get to be Dom?
the other day, this court decision was posted on jwn along with a link to the court document, but few expected the media to pick up the story.
so to all involved, i understand it was a surprise to see the story in print.
the church is less like a public company and more like a private “bridge club,”
It is not a community association or a club where people with a similar background or similar interests in a sport or a hobby come together.
The Christian congregation is, not a social club or a secular organization, but a close-knit family united in the worship of Jehovah God.
The Christian congregation was founded, not to function as a social club, but to honor Jehovah and to get a job done—the work of preaching the good news, making disciples, and building up the congregation.
Associating with the Christian congregation is not like joining a social club. You came into the congregation because Jehovah wanted you here. (John 6:44) Why did he choose you? Did he see a righteous person who feared God? “Not at all!” you may say. What, then, did God see? He saw that you would be willing to obey his law and accept his kind direction.
the other day, this court decision was posted on jwn along with a link to the court document, but few expected the media to pick up the story.
so to all involved, i understand it was a surprise to see the story in print.
A part of me wants them to stay as crazy as possible, as a repellent.
As they say, "You can't fix stupid."