They list $55,000,000 in "other liabilities." Who do they owe this money too, I suspect its other Watchtower corporations, where it would be listed as an asset.
They also list an expense line for $60,000,000 for "supplies and other purchased assets." That's a lot of supplies. Again we don't know who they paid the money to, or for what.
Both of those lines are very steady. (Most would be shocked if Watch Tower DIDN'T funnel money from country to country.) Line 4330 is quite constant - between 48 million and 57.5 million over a SEVEN-YEAR period.
Likewise, line 4891 is not too remarkable - between 39 million and 63 million over five years. (Where or how the supplies are paid doesn't matter.)
Any accountant or investor would have the most interest in "liquid" assets - which have declined year after year (reprieve in 2016) for seven years from 94 million down to 17 million.
Likewise, the corresponding "bottom line" (assets less liabilities) has plunged year after year (also a reprieve in 2016) for seven years from 117 million down to 6 million. There isn't an investor anywhere that would put a dime into a corporation with those numbers.