JoinedPosts by berrygerry
When did the Great Crowd start forming?
by Vanderhoven7 ini realize that rutherford received a flash of light regarding the identity of the gc in the year 1935, but that does not tell us when the crowd began to form.
what would be the earliest date?
any ideas or quotes from wt literature?
2015 October 5 and 6, BOEs!
by Atlantis in2015 october 5, boe.. .. click the green download button.. .. re: recommending convention speakers and interpreters .
.. .. 2015 october 6, boe.. .. re: convention speaker ratings for bethel brothers .
A brother who has grown children not living at home may also be recommended if his children continue to serve Jehovah and have a good reputation.
Wow. I've never seen this before.
So, an elder has an independent, adult, pioneer child, that fades, etc., - this thereby determines that elders qualifications.
Cult on.
Stranger in my own house, Since my wife and i don't talk much anymore nor sleep in the same bed. i feel like a stranger.
by goingthruthemotions inmy wife is shunning me.
she is always in cult mode, we don't talk anymore, we don't sleep in the same bed.
i have been sleeping on the couch.
It looks like you have woken up hard and fast to TTATT and are expecting your wife to do the same.
My ongoing post:
Remember that truth and logic are not relevant.
Go slow. Have a long-term game plan and chip, chip away.
You can win a frontal attack, and lose the war. Avoid frontal attacks at all costs (including the birthday incident - avoid these things).
All Dubs have been infected with a potent virus that controls their thinking.
Stranger in my own house, Since my wife and i don't talk much anymore nor sleep in the same bed. i feel like a stranger.
by goingthruthemotions inmy wife is shunning me.
she is always in cult mode, we don't talk anymore, we don't sleep in the same bed.
i have been sleeping on the couch.
I suggest opening a safe deposit box and parking cash in there ASAP
Use cash withdrawals at Walmart when you make a purchase to mask the withdrawals.
A friend saw the writing on the wall, and did this, more or less.
Canada may get a new government today
by Simon inthe us elections suck up all the attention (and it's not even at the candidate selection stage!
) but canada actually has a national election today.. first results are starting to come in and so far it's all liberal party.. i think it's time harper and the conservatives got the boot.
last premiere from the bush era.
So, Orphan, I'm trying to understand the going back to the polls thing. When would that happen? If parliament is all locked up and won't pass any laws?
I mean, the US has had a do-nothing Congress for years since the conservatives have Congress and we have a liberal president. That's status quo here!The US system is for the most part whack.
Having one house that needs to pass a bill, which can be killed by the other house, and then vetoed is quagmire.
Canada has two, sometimes three, main parties, There is usually a majority party in the House of Commons, who pass bills. There is a second house, the Senate (appointed, not elected), who can veto the House of Commons, but it is a token vote.
The Prime Minister is the leader of the party with the most seats.
The weather has been positively toasty here in Calgary so that will help turnout
I found it gloomy - my book-view of Lord of the Rings' sky.
They shall learn war no more
by Dunedain inthis is just a thought i had, earlier today, and wanted to share it.
its funny how, one of the biggest things concerning jw's, is their claim of "true christianity", based on that they do not "go to war".
it is, certainly true, that yes they do not go to war, and i do not think that any of us here, would neccesarilly say that this is a bad thing.
WT Oct 15, 1951 p 613
Jehovah’s War of Armageddon
PEOPLE the world over fear another global war. They fear it because of having already experienced two world wars. They fear it because atomic weapons will be used. They fear it because there seems no way of escaping it. But what the majority of the people do not realize is that something far more terrible than another international war is impending. (2 Pet. 3:7, 10) As General of the Army Douglas MacArthur, on September 2, 1945, the day after the surrender of the Japanese, aboard the battleship “Missouri”, warned: “Men since the beginning of time have sought peace. . . . Military alliances, balance of power, leagues of nations, all in turn failed, leaving the only path to be by way of the crucible of war. We have had our last chance. If we will not devise some greater and more equitable system, our Armageddon will be at our door.” No “more equitable system” has been devised. The nations are having their “last chance”. Armageddon is at the door! -
Just read this on JW Talk......
by WHATSGOINGON injust saw this on the public area of jwtalk (i am not a member).
here is the link..
such a shame - i do feel for these ones - i just don't know what to say.... wgo.
I feel extreme pity for older female Dubs.
Females give up so much more than anybody to the Borg - with so many sacrificing so much for so long, all with the perfect body, perfect mate, perfect ... carrot perpetually dangled.
It's tragic.
Elizabeth McFarland child abuse lawsuit
by berrygerry ini'm assuming this video is an appeal regarding this post..
I'm assuming this video is an appeal regarding this post.
This is vomitable - What is the most practical step we can take to prepare for future difficulties?
by berrygerry infrom wifi's pals.
2016 Calendar: Give us more money!
by wifibandit injust got a peak at the 2016 calendar and i cannot tell you how much it bothered me.
it's all about constructing new kh and assembly halls, which is completely ironic given that the construction stopped almost worldwide.obviously this is proof that the borg is shifting from a magazine publisher to a real estate conglomerate, no wonder they're getting rid of 12 issues of magazines all together.. now, while the pdf of this is not up on the site yet, i will post confirmation as soon as it becomes available.
weather that is by legitimate means or other wise..
You know, I heard from some JWs attending the K-hall in another part of the city and were having the CO's visit, that the Society is getting geared up for a massive Kingdom Hall and assembly hall construction next year. They told the publishers; "GET READY"
Build it and they will cum.
Is this the proper forum?