They have definitely consulted for a number of changes - whether Dub consultants or outside, they are not just talking to Bethel ladder-climbers.
Their online strategy has been good. However, online success is measured by sales, not by number of languages. So, their website is successful in a sense, but not in reality.
Metro witnessing and Ipad-video showings seem to be ideas from old-timers reminiscing about the good old days of Rutherford. Rutherford's growth came from selling his ideas to a world in, not just a recession, but the Great Depression, followed by WW II. Not only is today's world not Rutherford's world economically, it is a far, far different world socially.
Lastly, as has been posted here many times, the only growth has been in impoverished countries (I note that almost all Youtube comment apologists, who have photos, are black). As noted in the Tanzania post, WT cannot afford any more loss-leaders.
Giving "privileges" to the young as a cult-carrot? Might work for some, but not for a lifetime IMO.