minors can go to jail too. If a person decides that he no longer wants to be a JW, he can leave, but in the JW community that it is a sad and disgraceful thing. If anyone young or old thinks that he can un-JW himself without any consequences, he has to be kidding. AKA un-ring the bell or annul a marriage after 6 pregnancies,or be a virgin again after intercourse.
All of this is absolute total bullshit.
First-off, in most advanced lands, there are NO minors in jail.
However, more importantly, minors who have committed a crime have bloody well committed.a crime.
Children who were born into a cult HAVE DONE NO WRONG.
You are arguing that they should have been born under a different circumstance.
This is 2015, not whatever backwater year that you think that children should be arguing as to where or when they should have been born.