i am a bit dyslexic
After all of this, do you believe there is a dog ?
i have been lurking on this site for 3 years and this is my fist post.
i would like to thank everyone for helping me wake up.
i was baptized at 24, married at 25, ms for 18 years mentally in for 24 years but started to wake up 3 years ago doing research to give public talks, and the actions of arrogant and narcissistic brothers and sisters did not help.
i am a bit dyslexic
After all of this, do you believe there is a dog ?
i have been lurking on this site for 3 years and this is my fist post.
i would like to thank everyone for helping me wake up.
i was baptized at 24, married at 25, ms for 18 years mentally in for 24 years but started to wake up 3 years ago doing research to give public talks, and the actions of arrogant and narcissistic brothers and sisters did not help.
Your heartfelt letter could be written by so many on this board, and sadly, by even more still trying to piece together the impossible.
Writing out your thoughts is good therapy.
Waking up is hard. Recovering takes a long time. So many regrets.
I would strongly urge you to read Bonnie Zieman's book:
Like all of us, you need healing.
Hopefully, you can find balm from many genuine hearts here, and elsewhere.
so i was hoping to get some insight on this subject of telling your spouse that you no longer believe in god.
for two people who have been jehovahs witnesses for 20 years together, talking about this seems to be real hard for me.
i still pray with my wife before meals but that's about it.
"Honey, I don't believe in God, but I believe in you!"
"Honey, I don't believe in God, but I believe in you, and I believe in us!"
what sort of things could we say to people on the trolleys and going door to door to make the most of the fact that the magazines are going bimonthly from now on .
ie oh will headquaters pay able to give you a bit of money for your fuel costs now ?.
Watching the World - May 8, 1993 Awake!
Religious Magazines Fold
The monthly American Baptist, based in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, will be replaced by a newsletter. However, another religious journal of that era, The Watchtower, continues to grow. First published monthly in 1879 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with a circulation of 6,000 copies in English, The Watchtower is now published semimonthly
Hmmm - and now ...
how would it be possible in 1,000 years to resurrect and educate the billions now in the grave?.
nevertheless, an illustration reveals what a simple, practical thing jehovah has in mind for mankind.
not to prophesy, but merely for the purpose of illustration, let us assume that those who compose the great crowd of righteous persons who come out of the great tribulation on this system of things alive (re 7:9, 14) number about 6,000,000 (about 1/1000 of earths present population).
Why do I have the feeling a lot of people
would be looking to off themselves if they woke up during the 1000 year reign and were forced to study with JWs??
how would it be possible in 1,000 years to resurrect and educate the billions now in the grave?.
nevertheless, an illustration reveals what a simple, practical thing jehovah has in mind for mankind.
not to prophesy, but merely for the purpose of illustration, let us assume that those who compose the great crowd of righteous persons who come out of the great tribulation on this system of things alive (re 7:9, 14) number about 6,000,000 (about 1/1000 of earths present population).
ample time for training and judging the resurrected ones without disrupting harmony and order on earth.
Based on:
how would it be possible in 1,000 years to resurrect and educate the billions now in the grave?.
nevertheless, an illustration reveals what a simple, practical thing jehovah has in mind for mankind.
not to prophesy, but merely for the purpose of illustration, let us assume that those who compose the great crowd of righteous persons who come out of the great tribulation on this system of things alive (re 7:9, 14) number about 6,000,000 (about 1/1000 of earths present population).
How would it be possible in 1,000 years to resurrect and educate the billions now in the grave?
Nevertheless, an illustration reveals what a simple, practical thing Jehovah has in mind for mankind. Not to prophesy, but merely for the purpose of illustration, let us assume that those who compose the “great crowd” of righteous persons who “come out of the great tribulation” on this system of things alive (Re 7:9, 14) number about 6,000,000 (about 1/1000 of earth’s present population). Then if, after allowing, say, 100 years spent in their training and in ‘subduing’ a portion of the earth (Ge 1:28), God purposes to bring back three percent of this number, this would mean that each newly arrived person would be looked after by 33 trained ones. Since a yearly increase of three percent, compounded, doubles the number about every 24 years, the entire 20 billion (20,000,000,000) could be resurrected before 400 years of Christ’s Thousand Year Reign had elapsed, giving ample time for training and judging the resurrected ones without disrupting harmony and order on earth.
on their chanel they are showing a video of a special assembly day in belgium i believe.
the jws are dancing dressed in black and red, satanic colores.
singing and playing worldly songs and kingdom melodies.
WT (Knorr) despised Elvis and his era. They mimicked Christendom.
It was weird trying to compute that "No-touch" dancing was worse than "touch" dancing. (I remember my hormonal days of touch-dancing with a JW female). Never made sense to my mind.
In virtually all rock ’n’ roll dances done by youths, the partners do not touch. The twist is viewed by many as having been the beginning of this type of dancing. An interviewer for Look magazine reported awhile back:
“The characteristic dances of our new age of revelry are all variants of the twist. . . . The dancers do not touch, they do not talk. . . . Each does whatever charade the name of the dance calls for. . . . They look as if their bodies are screaming.
“‘It’s a kind of fertility rite, designed to combat the sterility of modern life,’ says a young medical student, asked to account for his generation’s dancing style. But this is fertility magic without bodily contact. . . . A student nurse . . . says, ‘It’s sort of sexy . . . all those bodies grinding, but never touching.”’
WT - Sep 15, 1972
yesterday i had to listen to the co from a spanish congregation on the phone.
he said the fds has been gradually moving away from the word "worldly" and teaching jws not to use the term anymore.
has anyone heard this in their congregation or heard the term "non-believers" used before?
I was going to post:
A WT word not found in Webster's: worldling
However - http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/worldling
(WT usages:
The accepting of bride money from a worldling in any amount in order to marry a dedicated Christian daughter to him is untheocratic. It does not imitate Jehovah’s strict law to Israel. It endangers the daughter’s eternal welfare, thus to put her in subjection to an undedicated worldling.
. Even the worldling Mark Twain recognized this principle when he wrote
HOW different the New World society is from the cold and loveless old world! Each worldling looks out for his own interests and cares not how his neighbor fares.
So while the worldling gives to a man for what he has, the Christian gives to a man for what he is—his neighbor, his brother.
By this keeping together as a couple the unbeliever might be helped toward salvation in the new world, which help would not be possible if the two were said to be improperly living together and the believer was therefore said to be conniving at spiritual adultery by the worldling.
We are grateful for this relationship, ready to admit it, to call notice to it, without shame or embarrassment to do so because of what some worldling might think. Worldlings call one another by first names under many circumstances
In the wake of all this some worldling will cry out:
A worldling with a healthy constitution may go through it unaffected, whereas a faithful Christian may be laid low with it and die or have a hard time recovering. )
on their chanel they are showing a video of a special assembly day in belgium i believe.
the jws are dancing dressed in black and red, satanic colores.
singing and playing worldly songs and kingdom melodies.
Jailhouse Rock.
Outstanding musical personalities have long been idolized, and especially by womenfolk. Johann Strauss, the “waltz king,” was idolized by many in the late nineteenth century, even as many idolized Frank Sinatra some sixty years later. In more recent times Elvis Presley was the idol of myriads of young women, and still more recently the Beatles became such, as well as their imitators.
WT - May 15, 1968
Consider, too, the modern emphasis on sex. Commercialism for selfish gain exploits the weaknesses of men, women and children. It portrays sex, lawful or unlawful, as the most desirable thing in life. As a result, telling smutty stories, sexy jokes, reading pornographic novels and magazines, and attending lascivious motion pictures or prurient stage plays are the order of the day. But would Jesus do these things? Would he indulge in sexy dancing, such as the “Twist,” or practice fornication? It is as though professed Christians were becoming converts to pagan phallicism or sex worship. How far removed all this is from the high standard Jesus set and lived by! “I say to you that everyone that keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”—Matt. 5:28.
WT - Apr 1, 1963 - Would Jesus Do It? (FF - out)