Part of the "Last Days" in the Bible Teach book indicates that : "A report from the Worldwatch Institute states: “Three times as many people fell victim to war in [the 20th] century as in all the wars from the first century AD to 1899.” More than 100 million people have died as a result of wars since 1914."
That seems to be quite the statement, given mankind's history of war, which, for the most part, seems to have only dimished since 1945.
Fact-checking that quote shows that, first of all, it is not a quote by the Worldwatch Institute, but is actually a paper written by one of its contributors (Michael Renner) in 1999. ( ) Additionally, that paper references a table (done by a different researcher) that indicates that the 20th century not only has the most war-related deaths, but far and away the greatest RATIO of deaths at 44.4 per 1,000 population.
This table also indicates that the numbers for the last decade (the 90's) are pro-rated based upon the previous time period.
When one researches the amount of wars in history, there are major errors with the numbers in that table, pre-20th century.
More important, crunching the real numbers of the 20th century, brings the ratio of war deaths to about 11 per 1,000 population.
In the decades since, has WT upgraded this view of Worldwatch?
The revised "What Can the Bible Teach Us" has revised the Bible Teach statement to:
"More people have been killed in wars in our time than at any other time in history. One report from the Worldwatch Institute shows that since 1914, wars have killed more than 100 million people. More than three times as many people were killed in wars during the 100 years between 1900 and 2000 as were killed during the previous 1,900 years. Just imagine the misery and pain that millions of people have felt because of war!"
So, instead of looking at the past 70 years (since 1945), or even post-Viet Nam, WT clings to a very numerically-challenged paper from 1999. They also try to give this paper credence by ascribing it to the Worldwatch Institute.
With respect to this institute itself, Google its reviews.
Watch Tower has been quoting it since 1975, usually under "Watching the World."
Hmmm, Watching the World - Worldwatch (very curious).