I ask myself that very question often.
Our still-in family and friends are all victims.
Only Watch Tower teaches to hate the victim.
ok, i've had some wine, but i'm curious.
objectively speaking, but for the religion, did you have enough in common with your spouse to have met and married as non believers?
I ask myself that very question often.
Our still-in family and friends are all victims.
Only Watch Tower teaches to hate the victim.
i finally had the guts to create a profile to be able to post.
i've been lurking for a few months and have read all your experiences and comments dutifully.
you have been a great help in my process of waking up from this cult posing as the one true religion.
If you're like me, you'll over analyze as to "Why did I not wake up earlier?"
If so, it's a bitch.
To understand how we were captured for so long:
I also strongly recommend reading this
as well as Bonnie's book
and we are suposed to trust these guys with our lives?
I found it hard to count, but NASA and its divisions won about 64 Telly's.
(Each letter on the recipient page loads about 20 entries per page - it takes a while.
I tried loading ALL, but it doesn't load for me. It looks like there are 1,000's of recipients.
WT's newspage says "Out of 12,000 entrants" Could be 12,000 "winners.")
so my mum who is in and really is finding it hard that i have left and faded.
shes asked me if i want to the the circuit overseer next week.. i have never met him and this is more my mum wanting me to get my problems i have with the organisation out.
but should i share everything i've learnt or what?.
Agree with DO NOT MEET.
Dagney offers good advice.
okay, they've posted their 2015 return - i am very confused.. http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/ebci/haip/srch/t3010form23-eng.action?b=119288918rr0001&fpe=2015-08-31&n=watch+tower+bible+and+tract+society+of+canada+%2f+la+tour+de+garde+soci%c3%a9t%c3%a9+de+bibles+et+de+tracts+du+canada&r=http%3a%2f%2fwww.cra-arc.gc.ca%3a80%2febci%2fhaip%2fsrch%2fbasicsearchresult-eng.action%3fk%3dwatch%2btower%26amp%3bs%3dregistered%26amp%3bp%3d1%26amp%3bb%3dtrue.
Okay, they've posted their 2015 return - I am very confused.
have we noticed how often the society uses comments like this?.
"jehovah's witnesses are the most honest people...etc".
while it may be true that witnesses as a whole are decent, law abiding people, are they truely "honest" when the very foundation of beliefs are based on mistruths?.
so, roger daltrey and pete townshend were on jimmy fallon tonight as the who.. without disrespect to others, i would put the top 5 rock bands, not necessarily in order, as:.
led zeppelin.
pink floyd.
So, Roger Daltrey and Pete Townshend were on Jimmy Fallon tonight as The Who.
Without disrespect to others, I would put the top 5 rock bands, not necessarily in order, as:
Led Zeppelin
Pink Floyd
The Beatles
The Rolling Stones
The Who.
Why has the UK produced great rock bands, given the US roots of rock?
years ago when i was "in" i loved the book study.
it was my favorite meeting by far.
mainly because it was a small group.
I could wear a sweater instead of a freaking monkey suit - so that was good.
Got to sit on a comfy couch instead of a hard-ass chair - so that was good.
Got to cuddle my kids to sleep - so that was good.
Snack night once a month - so that was good.
Only one hour, instead of two - so that was good.
Conductor was dumber than a sack of hammers - oh, well.
part of the "last days" in the bible teach book indicates that : "a report from the worldwatch institute states: “three times as many people fell victim to war in [the 20th] century as in all the wars from the first century ad to 1899.” more than 100 million people have died as a result of wars since 1914.
"that seems to be quite the statement, given mankind's history of war, which, for the most part, seems to have only dimished since 1945.fact-checking that quote shows that, first of all, it is not a quote by the worldwatch institute, but is actually a paper written by one of its contributors (michael renner) in 1999.
( http://www.worldwatch.org/system/files/wp146.pdf ) additionally, that paper references a table (done by a different researcher) that indicates that the 20th century not only has the most war-related deaths, but far and away the greatest ratio of deaths at 44.4 per 1,000 population.
It's not just the population difference.
Other studies show much different stats: http://sdi.sagepub.com/content/22/4/437.extract
The 19th-century death-tolls alone seem comparable to 20-th century.
However, the simplest metric is death per pop.
Study said 44.4 per thousand
Yet with roughly 100 million deaths to 10 billion pop. gives an easy calculation ( https://www.quora.com/How-many-people-lived-during-the-20th-century ), about 10 per thousand, less than previous time periods.
(That is the 20th century, WWI and WWII. We are already into 100 years since the start of WWI, and will be passing Nov 11, 2018 in 2.5 years.
Why is it unrealistic to look at the past 70 years as a metric?)
With respect to the major discrepancy between 44.4 deaths per thousand, and 10 or so deaths per thousand - WT stated in its 2011 YB to ‘TRACING ALL THINGS WITH ACCURACY’
"In summary, the Writing Department insists on using only material that is accurate and truthful, even regarding seemingly insignificant details. As a result, “the faithful and discreet slave” can consistently supply spiritual food that brings honor to “the God of truth,” Jehovah."