Haven't noticed this posted:
Life is getting longer, reports World Health Organisation, at the fastest rate since the 1960s
haven't noticed this posted:.
life is getting longer, reports world health organisation, at the fastest rate since the 1960s.
Haven't noticed this posted:
Life is getting longer, reports World Health Organisation, at the fastest rate since the 1960s
my initial pangs of unease and doubt led me to research some things.
well, a lot of things really.
i've never felt comfortable using the bible to try to calculate dates (1914).
It should be noted that the "weapon" of RC excommunication was a "nothing-burger" (Kevin O'Leary speak).
An excommunicated RC was simply deprived of the sacraments. He was not shunned, nor even expelled from the church.
sorry the site was offline for a short while - i kicked off a re-index of the site to pick up the http -> https changeover and, well, i didn't put any rate limits in place so google went full bore at it.
having the site hosted in google's data centre probably helps it go faster than normal.. in other news, i now know the site can scale to handle an insane number of requests if it ever needs to (as long as i put some more coins in the meter)..
I did a DoS attack against myself !
Hey, my other personalities sometimes do weird shit to me, too.
sorry i thought it was a new morning worship video but it is 6 months old and has already been discussed on here.. it is presented by gb helper k flodin and about this generation.
the delusion and hypocrisy runs deep.. he reminds the cult members not to speculate because they aren't supposed to know the day or the hour.
then he proceeds to speculate that armageddon will occur before 2040.. https://tv.jw.org/#en/video/vodprogramsevents/pub-jwbmw_201511_3_video.
An elder friend of mine that admitted to struggling with the new 'understanding' told me that he felt better after Splanes video.
i was visiting with my family and it seems the rc was worse than i thought.
now they all seem to think that "we are so close to the end" and that the "brothers are really preparing us for the gt".
some even saying that soon our message will change to a judgement message for mankind and talking about how we need to improve "everything we do".
the anointed GB will disappear at the beginning of the Great Tribulation
Hello, Cayman Islands.
Sanderson is smart to stay single until the G.T.
Also, a good reason to keep the GB down to 7 members - why make the split bigger?
screws ?.
Interesting choice of fastener.
And this is in an English-speaking country.
screws ?.
it looks like i'm going to have to take the watchtower study for a while so i thought i'd seek help.. i wont be outing myself or stating anything too controversial, but so far i have come up with the following tactics : 1) ask questions which will get people thinking even if it is about something insignificant - developing a questioning mind is the key to discovering ttat as far as i am concerned.
2) highlight any extreme points so that some might realise they are extreme.
3) highlight any good points - helping others in need for example - just because it is the right thing to do.. if anyone has any general comments which could help, please post them here.
For BS topics like the overlapping generation, or anything else:
"Now if we had a householder ask " ... ," how could we respond using only the Bible?"
sorry i thought it was a new morning worship video but it is 6 months old and has already been discussed on here.. it is presented by gb helper k flodin and about this generation.
the delusion and hypocrisy runs deep.. he reminds the cult members not to speculate because they aren't supposed to know the day or the hour.
then he proceeds to speculate that armageddon will occur before 2040.. https://tv.jw.org/#en/video/vodprogramsevents/pub-jwbmw_201511_3_video.