I was visiting with my family and it seems the RC was worse than I thought. Now they all seem to think that "We are so close to the end" and that the "Brothers are really preparing us for the GT". Some even saying that soon our message will change to a judgement message for mankind and talking about how we need to improve "everything we do". How does it not sound crazy to them? How do the videos not seem like manipulation? How can they say they we so encouraged by a convention that was basically a threat not to leave JWs or else.
RC Was Worse Than I thought...
by JW_Rogue 45 Replies latest jw experiences
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
"We are so close to the end"
Armageddon--closer than the inside of your pants since 1914!
...soon our message will change to a judgement message for mankind...
Yes, they recycle that claim every now and then. I remember being told that in the 1970s!
Prepare now for the GT by making sure your personality completely matches that of any other WT drone. Plus make sure you donate more, go out in service, and most importantly shun anyone who points out how crazy we are.
Yay! We are even closer to witnessing a mass-murder of billions of people...even little babies!
Joy of Joys!
Hell yeah, dubs will be eating this GT prepping stuff up with a spoon.
#deja vu 1975.
Wait For It
I've been hearing rumors that the preaching campaign is going to go in this direction and be announced at the annual meeting later this year. In fact, that is the exact wording used: "Judgement"Some even saying that soon our message will change to a judgement message for mankind and talking about how we need to improve "everything we do".
The other day the
MormonsMorons were at my friends house. They told him that 'atonement is coming'. He didn't have time to get into with them so he told them to get lost.
It would seem there is more than one fundamentalist group presently ratcheting up the crazy. -
Room 215
Boy, they're setting themselves to be a laughingstock .... the GT is their trump card,; once they announce its beginning, they've crossed the Rubicon there's no turning back... they will expend whatever's left of their credibility on that one call,,, and what do they do for an encore? .
Room215: and what do they do for an encore? .
Oh...Satan is always lurking around...he gets one last crack at it at the end of the GT.
The WTS can play around with that threat for the next 1000 years. It ain't over til the fat lady sings...