Not sure if there is another post about this fellow - who has become another exJW youtuber.
Fairly long videos, but the skinny seems to be elders protecting a pedo (now in prison).
Randy was calling them out, and they went after him.
i've been listening to a guy called randy m, i believe an ex jw who was suing some elders and the wtbts for damage in relation to his business.
he has recorded his conversation with the bethel legal department (john miller) about it to see if his problems could be dealt with in a satisfactory manner.
i'm not on top of all the issues but wanted to highlight some of the more interesting aspects.. randy and john (the bethel legal guy) agree that religions are given a lot of freedom to act as they want but they are not allowed to interfere.
Not sure if there is another post about this fellow - who has become another exJW youtuber.
Fairly long videos, but the skinny seems to be elders protecting a pedo (now in prison).
Randy was calling them out, and they went after him.
situation is, i'll never return to the wt.
my family with never leave the wt.. depending on who you ask you'll get the following answers when you ask about me:.
my family: he's confused.
And don't let her have access to that child, she doesn't get to reject you and see her granddaughter. Find a nice older woman to hire as a babysitter so your daughter gets the love of an adoptive grandma.
I agree with this.
Are you with your wife?
Is she still mentally or physically in?
Grandma will be teaching your daughter to draw close to Jehovah and to distance herself from you.
hey everyone.
i'm a university student very interested in the history of the jehova's witnesses, from the university of fribourg, switzerland.
i would like to do an analysis of pictures of africa in the watchtower for a small research project.
hi everyone, it has been a while since i've last updated!
(refer to my previous posts for the full story) here is a quick re-cap: 2 months ago my mother found out that i am living with my boyfriend, she told me i was discovered by an "anonymous" tipper who turned me in for "living in sin".. first of all, that is nearly impossible, the congregation i was in is 100's of miles away from where i currently live.. no one would have ever known i was living with my boyfriend unless i told them, which i never did, i cut off all communication with that congregation in part of my attempted fade which was blown into pieces and discovered.. anyways, my mom tells me if i don't go to the elders and confess like a good little sheep, then she is obligated to tell them.. ( don't see why, i don't even live under her roof ) well i never went to them because why should i?
so they met with my mother and she told them i live with my boyfriend... let me remind you, this was two months ago.. i was told i was going to be df'd and that was that.
Quite frankly, I would give that letter to a lawyer.
Forget all of the stuff in the Flock book.
Because your parents are aware of your situation, and they were the rats, then the elders are gunning for you. Guaranteed.
Out for EIGHT YEARS !!!!
from a redditor.
abbotsford bc.
forgot to post this from last weekend!.
From a Redditor
Abbotsford BC
Forgot to post this from last weekend!
Saturday: 3,885 in attendance, 10 baptized.
Roughly 0.0257% (if my math is correct, and it's probably not!)
(S/B 0.25%)
having not had a witness knock on my door since i left over 13 years ago i was surprised a few sunday mornings ago to find two young sisters who i had not seen before at my door.
it was not long before their husbands who were witnessing at my neighbors joined the conversation.
the conversation went on for some time so i am keeping the experience as brief as i can.. mind you with all what has been happening lately with the australian royal commission here in australia i had been looking forward to having a discussion with any witness who comes within earshot.
nice username
the scripture quotes aside, i was always told that we don't celebrate birthdays because that is a celebration of the self, which has no place in jehovah's organization.
then why celebrate anniversaries?
anniversary celebrations are about the joining of two selves, isn't that twice as selfish?.
Because Job's children were commemorating their day of birth, and no where in the Bible do we read of marriage anniversaries ...
Umm, wait a minute ?
'it was the 13-year-old girl's fault.'.
'It was the 13-year-old girl's fault.'
jw don't believe in evolution .
how come animals teeth are designed to chew meat?
sharks for instance have razor sharp pointy teeth these are not to eat vegetation .