i still go to the meetings because of my in wife and it came about that the elders knew of my pissed off attitude about the society getting involved in the un.
so the elders said they could help me get over that and wanted to meet with me.
now just to let you know, i have only told my wife and her mom so far about it, that's it.
He said that now a days, even people who point to articles like a 1972
WT or something is, No we don't even consider that anymore. He said that
anything we need is online, meaning the Watchtower on line library from
2000 onward, and the WT library CD ROM is being outdated.
it seems like many feel hurt or saddened by the practice of shunning by witnesses.. yes, when ones who we were close to, perhaps family or ones we thought were close friends choose to follow the warped directions of the society, it may seem hurtful.. but really, our reaction is up to us.
the fact is, these ones have shown that in reality, their love for us was never real or genuine.
no, those relationships were superficial and lacking in substance.
when i first saw the video, i was like, "wait... is that her... panties showing through the dress"?and it seems like it is so.turns out that if you look at the middle right of the video, there are some letters.
it reads, "footage provided by pond5".if someone wants to purchase that video to confirm, you can purchase it here:http://depositphotos.com/63621499/stock-video-violinist-girl-walking-through-a.htmli think that this was a royal mess up because i doubt they would put footage of a sister in a skimpy, revealing dress.doesn't the gb approve this?this will probably go down as another of the "subliminal images"...if there are thongs in paradise... might not be so bad after all!.
i still go to the meetings because of my in wife and it came about that the elders knew of my pissed off attitude about the society getting involved in the un.
so the elders said they could help me get over that and wanted to meet with me.
now just to let you know, i have only told my wife and her mom so far about it, that's it.
after exiting the org, i mean cult, how have each of you felt personally about the lies you had been taught, the hurt from feeling betrayed by these people, actual hopes of once believed false teachings, rose colored lenses of seemingly just and right doctrines that turned out to be a bunch of horse $#!+, the shunning of family and friends?
right now i am going through the motions, i've just moved to a new home, which means hopefully no more elders searching for me at my previous address.. i can't help but feel sad though right now because of the fact that although i am not df'd ( maybe the elders will do it in absentia assuming i've been avoiding them and the 2 jc's they've invited me to as well as the last handwritten letter at my door before i moved ) my mom treats me as though i am dead to her, she says " i am living the life of a disfellowshipped person, and until i come back to jehovah this is how things will be because this was my choice to leave jehovah " ok i get it, but i don't- everyone has free will, so yes this was my choice but it is also her choice to shun me, especially after the "shun unrepentant wrongdoers" talk at the rc, funny how they come out with these talks to reel members back in.. she claims that she has an obligation to jehovah of which she promised to him after she was baptized not at 11, 13, or 17 ( young ages ) but fricken 26 years old.
i absolutely hate this organization and everything that it is, it's taken away my family and most importantly my own mother.. i always thought that a mothers love was to be unconditional, but hers for me is only conditional.
i was pondering about how parasitic watch tower was and looked it up on wiki:.
interestingly, watch tower is not parasitic, as a parasite does not destroy its host - the host sustains the parasite.. instead watch tower is a parasitoid, which "unlike a true parasite, however, it ultimately sterilizes or kills, and sometimes consumes, the host.".
i was pondering about how parasitic watch tower was and looked it up on wiki:.
interestingly, watch tower is not parasitic, as a parasite does not destroy its host - the host sustains the parasite.. instead watch tower is a parasitoid, which "unlike a true parasite, however, it ultimately sterilizes or kills, and sometimes consumes, the host.".
i was pondering about how parasitic watch tower was and looked it up on wiki:.
interestingly, watch tower is not parasitic, as a parasite does not destroy its host - the host sustains the parasite.. instead watch tower is a parasitoid, which "unlike a true parasite, however, it ultimately sterilizes or kills, and sometimes consumes, the host.".
this site is great, i have been lurking for a while now.
but i can’t get reinstated and have used some of the advice already given.. i was df’d many months ago and go to all the meetings and do all the preparation for the meetings, but the jc committee keep refusing me.
tomorrow at the clam meeting i am puting yet another letter in and will be called for another dreadful jc meeting.. 1. what can i say to the elders to show that i am truly repentant?.