(With apologies to Blondie) This is a great WT summary.
i was really puzzled when i opened this edition of the wt magazine at the above “study”.
what on earth has this picture at the top of page 13 got to do with christian watchfulness?
i wasn’t making a connection at all.
(With apologies to Blondie) This is a great WT summary.
i was really puzzled when i opened this edition of the wt magazine at the above “study”.
what on earth has this picture at the top of page 13 got to do with christian watchfulness?
i wasn’t making a connection at all.
It was several years ago when they started having the chairman set an example by sitting for the music.
So stupid.
if you were part of a judicial committee, and knowing what you know now, what was it like for you to sit on jc’s?
how did you feel if someone was reproved or df’d?
were you ever on a jc and you disagreed with someone being reproved or df’d and were overruled – how did you feel?
Also there was a "funny" story her dad told at the dinner table with other elders and their families were all listening, they were talking about a judicial they sat on where someone was repentant but they DF him anyway <all laughed>.
i'd love to see you're favorite wt illustrations/photo's that they think are fine to print - but are actually kind of creepy/wierd.. .
here's my three fave from my book of bible stories (yes, a book for children!)..
man gets his head nailed into the floor with a tent pin by a good jehovah worshipper:.
That picture scared me as child:
1) how would God keep me from going into the crevasse.
I used to fear the earth randomly splitting open like this.
i thought, ok the case in australia would open the eyes of the world about this dangerous cult.. well that passed without a ripple.
we talk about the un and the wt link, none jw's don't.
understand the significance.
All of the comments here are valid.
With respect to the OP, this is not an overnight rendering.
WT has over 20 lawyers on staff in New York alone - they're not twiddling their thumbs.
As was mentioned, the ARC is not completed. The resultant report will be very damning.
No one has mentioned the UK Commission - which addresses, not just the child abuse, but also shunning.
WT has heavily relied on their US First Amendment to inflict shunning. The Commonwealth could care less about the First Amendment. WT tries to backdoor its policies through Eastern European countries that are EU members, and thus subject to the EU Human Rights. Brexit will likely hurt WT in the UK, as I would imagine that the UK departure will also impact precedents set in such Eastern European countries.
The 2017 Yearbook is supposed to be online next month. The Western countries are going to start their descent, and 2018 will be the beginning of freefall.
Do you not think that there is a reason for this:
Feb. 2016 WT:
Prove Yourself Loyal to Jehovah
Learn From Jehovah’s Loyal Servants
2016 Convention(Enough said)
August 2016 Broadcast (in a nutshell)
While it is true that Dubs only ,make up 0.1% of the population, their pedophile ring is harming 10 times the ratio of the population.
Their shunning ring harms, when including the "loyal" family members, even far, far more.
It is difficult to find a family that has not been impacted by abuse, whether physical, sexual, or emotional.
All it takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing.
i still go to the meetings because of my in wife and it came about that the elders knew of my pissed off attitude about the society getting involved in the un.
so the elders said they could help me get over that and wanted to meet with me.
now just to let you know, i have only told my wife and her mom so far about it, that's it.
He said that now a days, even people who point to articles like a 1972 WT or something is, No we don't even consider that anymore. He said that anything we need is online, meaning the Watchtower on line library from 2000 onward, and the WT library CD ROM is being outdated.
it seems like many feel hurt or saddened by the practice of shunning by witnesses.. yes, when ones who we were close to, perhaps family or ones we thought were close friends choose to follow the warped directions of the society, it may seem hurtful.. but really, our reaction is up to us.
the fact is, these ones have shown that in reality, their love for us was never real or genuine.
no, those relationships were superficial and lacking in substance.
A real jerk question.
when i first saw the video, i was like, "wait... is that her... panties showing through the dress"?and it seems like it is so.turns out that if you look at the middle right of the video, there are some letters.
it reads, "footage provided by pond5".if someone wants to purchase that video to confirm, you can purchase it here:http://depositphotos.com/63621499/stock-video-violinist-girl-walking-through-a.htmli think that this was a royal mess up because i doubt they would put footage of a sister in a skimpy, revealing dress.doesn't the gb approve this?this will probably go down as another of the "subliminal images"...if there are thongs in paradise... might not be so bad after all!.
Someone posted a while back, where they were a child prop in a magazine. I'd like to see Sonja's kids posting here in 10 years. (Or even Sonja)
hi simon,.
i was just wondering if you have ever considered making an app for this forum.
i would be on here all the time if i could use it on my iphone!
Just as an aside, the site has been generating an error message on my Android for the past 2 weeks.
i still go to the meetings because of my in wife and it came about that the elders knew of my pissed off attitude about the society getting involved in the un.
so the elders said they could help me get over that and wanted to meet with me.
now just to let you know, i have only told my wife and her mom so far about it, that's it.
It came about that the elders knew of my pissed off attitude about the society getting involved in the UN
How did they come to know?
This is very important to know.