Recently, Jared and a group of partners acquired several vast properties in Brooklyn from the Jehovah’s Witnesses, for two billion dollars;
at one point, the witnesses held 4.5 million square feet over 30 buildings.
they’re down to nine buildings, having made about $1.25 billion on staggered sales since 2004, according to the co..
warwick is 1.6 million square-foot.
Recently, Jared and a group of partners acquired several vast properties in Brooklyn from the Jehovah’s Witnesses, for two billion dollars;
has anyone else noticed how alarm bells go off inside a jw mind as soon as they hear someone that "is out" refer to the leaders of this org as "watchtower"?
i've chatted with a few friends now about my doubts and each and every time i've started using phrases such as "watchtower said this" or "watchtower did that", i can almost see their heads about to explode in anger, as if they've just realized they are talking to the lucifer himself.
some have even interrupted and corrected me by reminding me that it's not "watchtower", it's "god's organization".
Do elders call "the Society" to see what their latest teachings are when a JW who does not carry the title of elder comes to them and confesses that they committed a "serious sin"?
Ummm, yes.
jehovah's witness shunning court case shines spotlight on rare practice.
hutterites, first nations among groups that have used shunning and banishment.
by dave dormer, cbc news posted: sep 19, 2016 6:30 pm mt .
Looks like he's qualified to be a WT-calibre expert witness.
i'm quite surprised about the new approach of some local congregation brothers respect about my fade.... funny, ilegal and very dangerous in view of the different laws regarding personal data and minorities in spain and in the eu.... i already organized a press meeting with main newspapers in spain.
many has shown interest in this situation.
the fact of that a parallel judicial system do exist is amazing them.
I can just picture a medieval executioner saying to the convicted, "Please accept my warmest greetings, and I hope you have a pleasant day."
Why execution is a loving provision from Jehovah!
source: (for a more literal translation) here is the gist, edited for formatting/chronological order/correct minor errors:.
regional convention 2017 rumors.
theme: the bible and the divine name.. 3 dramas and 2 dramatic bible readings.. .
Yes Peter GOD IS LOVE!
Consider - Gods love of not letting Harm-a-gedon come in 2015 allowed a NET of 118,000 become SAVED!
Praise JAH!
So Sad To Bad for the 128,000,000 who were born that year who he will have to Murder.
The Lord does indeed work in mysterious ways. (And he's getting old - his thinking may not be as crisp as desired.)
this notice is not official yet and it should be confidential until released thru the proper channels.
a friend of mine told me about a huge elders meeting in southern california.
the subject was the relocation and dissolution of some congregations; it seems that this is the result of some project that has been going on for some time and is going to be implemented right now.. please let me know if this is happening all over the country?.
As congregations get more spread out and members are shoved in to larger congregations of people
Are not the new model KH's smaller in size, hence they cannot hold large congo's?
last week there was a meeting with all the elders and ministerial servants about responsibility in the kingdom hall and blah blah blah.. one elder brought up a scenario where all the elders were arrested, and we were asked if the meeting would still go on, and how.. this is the second time within a month that i've heard that scenario posed by an elder in my congregation.. does anyone have any idea of the trash being fed to them in letters recently?.
is this a scenario that hq is putting out there, or are the fear mongering convention videos driving their imaginations wild?.
Free-for-all brawl from the sisters who want the reins.
i'm quite surprised about the new approach of some local congregation brothers respect about my fade.... funny, ilegal and very dangerous in view of the different laws regarding personal data and minorities in spain and in the eu.... i already organized a press meeting with main newspapers in spain.
many has shown interest in this situation.
the fact of that a parallel judicial system do exist is amazing them.
How does XXXXX know?
i'm quite surprised about the new approach of some local congregation brothers respect about my fade.... funny, ilegal and very dangerous in view of the different laws regarding personal data and minorities in spain and in the eu.... i already organized a press meeting with main newspapers in spain.
many has shown interest in this situation.
the fact of that a parallel judicial system do exist is amazing them.
If there were you would need to have your attorney send them a letter on his letterhead. That might get their attention.
i'm quite surprised about the new approach of some local congregation brothers respect about my fade.... funny, ilegal and very dangerous in view of the different laws regarding personal data and minorities in spain and in the eu.... i already organized a press meeting with main newspapers in spain.
many has shown interest in this situation.
the fact of that a parallel judicial system do exist is amazing them.
In Europe, the right to a fair hearing is guaranteed by Article 6(1) of the European Convention on Human Rights, which is said to complement the common law rather than replace it.