"The Edmonton Advantage goes directly to your organization or can be applied to offset meeting costs."
$199,779.01 - not bad
It's no wonder that they do not do an accounts report for the RC.
i guess tax payers get to subsidize the conventions, who knew!.
no wonder they really push people to book through the congregation rather than privately, directly - it's all about the rebates!.
"The Edmonton Advantage goes directly to your organization or can be applied to offset meeting costs."
$199,779.01 - not bad
It's no wonder that they do not do an accounts report for the RC.
it's been several years since the start of the rebranding of jehovahs witnesses.
i believe it started with the website change.
ever since then the religion has moved in a more modern direction.
At a meeting 2 years ago was an interview part - one or two pioneers - brief bio - joy from being a pioneer, etc.
Interviewee - intelligent (24 ?) male. Usual, pioneering is the life. Number of studies conducted? "Well, I haven't had that privilege yet, but I sure hope to soon."
I felt so sorry for the guy. It was downright embarrassing. That was the best that they could do?
there are many on this site that do not believe that jehovah truly exists; that he is not a real being.
but, he is as real as next breath you draw into your nostrils.. some of you say that there is no evidence that he exists.
yet, none of you can prove that he does not exits.. cofty, (you come to mind), i appreciate that you have stated, without reservation, that you do not believe that god exists.. yet, you cannot prove it.. hope in jehovah..
Simple question for TOTC:
Does Jehovah maintain a "worship me or die" policy?
watching the head-bobbers at a meeting, or as my ex would always say "wasn't that a great meeting?
" there simply must be a chemical, hormonal reason for someone to sincerely enjoy sitting through 2 hours of regurgitated, puréed bullshit.
mri's confirm what religious manipulators exploit.. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/sex-drugs-ancient-scrolls-scientists-9356777?service=responsive.
Watching the head-bobbers at a meeting, or as my ex would always say "Wasn't that a great meeting?" There simply must be a chemical, hormonal reason for someone to sincerely enjoy sitting through 2 hours of regurgitated, puréed bullshit.
MRI's confirm what religious manipulators exploit.
i would imagine that most brooklyn bethelites attended congo meetings via subway.. how do they manage transport from warwick?.
If their meetings, and territory, are 40, 50 miles away, can such Bethelites have any chance of meaningful field service?
many will be assigned to stay at the "Compound Congregation."
And where would these ones go in service?
just watching makes me shiver.
Just watching makes me shiver
i would imagine that most brooklyn bethelites attended congo meetings via subway.. how do they manage transport from warwick?.
I would imagine that most Brooklyn Bethelites attended congo meetings via subway.
How do they manage transport from Warwick?
although i haven't called myself a witness in almost 15 years, i'm still married to one (which has it's own set of challenges and is fodder for a completely different post).
i haven't spent a lot of time on forums with other ex-jws either, but thought i would throw this question out to you all because it's something i still struggle with.... particularly for those of you who were raised in or were in the religion for many years - what has it been like for you to navigate the work world?
i would be a 3rd generation jw on one side of my family and a 4th generation on the other side -- the hardest thing for me has been just knowing how to act and behave, especially among co-workers.
This religion messes people up:
Read Bonnie's book. ( more than once.)
i'm at my quasi-thanksgiving dinner with relatives.
i hear a haunting sound from another room.
"is that a children's song?
Thankfully the bros are the stronger vessels, so they will have to do the manual labor with the hoes.
(Courtesy of Canadian humour - note - Simon moved here for the spelling.)