HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!! Hope that covers everything!
JoinedPosts by maybesbabies
Well, its my birthday, my anniversary, and my 1000th post ...............
by run dont walk ini'll have one bourbon, one scotch and one beer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
all on the same day, i joined here a year ago, and even though i left the borg 15 years ago, i want to thank everyone for all the info presented here, has been very helpful to me.. it's my birthday .
and its my 1000th post, nowhere near minimus status, but i've had a lot of fun here and alot of you have been a huge help.. so i propose a toast, shooters for all (what is your favorite shooter ???
I have arrived! (Bend, Oregon)
by Xander inwell, folks, finally here!
actually, got here in february, but things have been insane trying to get the house finished.. we flew out in january, looked around, found a house we liked, bought it, flew back.. then, had to get here.
again, insanity!
Woo-Hoo, welcome to the Pacific North West!! I did the drive from Seattle, WA to Ohio, four days, moving all our stuff, (and then came back 6 months later) so I can tell you with all sincerity, I FEEL YOUR PAIN!!! Glad you made it safe and sound!
Wonderful English Customs..
by Englishman in..i'll start.
morris dancing!
the hankies add a nice touch... .
Holy cow Chevys, thats incredible! Could it be that I knew you in my former dub life? Well, Brother Waddington was pretty well known as an eccentric, so does that count as a wonderful english custom, eccentricity?
Wonderful English Customs..
by Englishman in..i'll start.
morris dancing!
the hankies add a nice touch... .
OMG, yes Chevys, that was my Uncle!!! How'd you know? Sorry to hijack the thread, E-man!
Wonderful English Customs..
by Englishman in..i'll start.
morris dancing!
the hankies add a nice touch... .
I've never heard of Morris Dancers before, as far as I know we've none across the pond. Do elaborate, E-man, for us unenlightened 'mericans! I feel a little dumb not knowing some of this!
Wonderful English Customs..
by Englishman in..i'll start.
morris dancing!
the hankies add a nice touch... .
nothing to add on customs, but I just had to mention (due to the Haworth picture) that my family (Waddingtons) comes from Haworth, so I wonder if those are some odd Waddington cousins galavanting about!
Hey sis, I cleaned out my inbox, sheesh! You should send the pics to my yahoo account, I can save them to my pictures from there. Aren't our neices adorable? I can't wait to see them again, wish you could make it over sometime, sis!
New Member today
by Lynnie ini was contacted earlier today by an old friend from my congregation in lynnwood, wa.
i was just thrilled that she contacted me.
i posted my name on an ex jw website about 2 years ago and kinda of forgot about it until today.
Well, cloud strife, you could just stop posting here. But there's something about apostates that keeps you coming back for more, huh? Now quit highjacking this poor newbies thread, go start your own!
Unusual things that happen during prayers
by Simon init's a nice warm summer in a welsh sea-side town and the chairman is giving the concluding prayer.
he starts to slow down and then there is a pause.
it lasts long enough to make you open your eyes and lookup in time to see him wobbling backwards and forwards.. two brothers leap to the platform and catch him as he is about to pass out but then, in a rediculous scene, instead of helping him to a chair they prop him up between them and one of them carries on with the prayer!
Those are some funny ones! No prayer mishaps here, just wanted to say welcome to Tarzan.
New Member today
by Lynnie ini was contacted earlier today by an old friend from my congregation in lynnwood, wa.
i was just thrilled that she contacted me.
i posted my name on an ex jw website about 2 years ago and kinda of forgot about it until today.
Welcome, Welcome!!!!! I am in Edmonds, not too far away from ya, I'm sure! Good to have another apostate in the area, besides Texas, we throw the best Apostafests!