That song was played at my fiance's mothers funeral, it was one of her favorites. I don't believe that killing solves anything. How can we teach our kids that hitting is bad, but killing is ok? There are facts of life, of course, we kill for food, we put pets to sleep, I believe in "death with dignity", having seen my mother die of cancer, and my fiance's family feels the same, for the same reasons. But there is a difference between a humane death, and death for unnecessary reasons. Is war ever really necessary? Do we really need attrition to learn to get along, to have a mutual interest? I tend to think that it is because of pride and arrogance, from many various countries, as well as greed and a desire for dominion. The idea of "Empire" has been central to the politics of dominant nations since the dawn of time. However, there is always entropy: as the tide ebbs and flows, so do cultures. When once we declared loudly "Tear down that wall!", we now debate whether Israel is wrong for building one. Where once we railed against occupation, and upheld sovreignty, we now seek to dominate and nation build ( to our specifications,of course!). Rome has risen, and it shall again pay the price through petty wars which bleed our strength, greed will take our commerce far and wide, and we shall grasp for an unreachable Empire which will crumble through our fingers like sand. Such is the cycle, it seems.