Bottom line is this.
She came in from the weekly meeting, we sitting and talking and she said. The society is giving us some food. they said it was coming form Farms to table and they going to give everyone a basket or box.
I said, you know it's not from the org, its from the government who is providing origanizations with charity status these oportunities.
She said I know, but it's a good thing org is giving it to us. and i's no different than someone going down and to a food distribution place and getting there own. Crickets is all i heard.
I said, that is why it is so important that we donate to these places that distribute food and clothes to those in need.
she agreed.
I find it funny that the BORG is now stating it's coming from Farm to table and not from them. word must have gotten out. I hope it wakes people up. It wont wake my wife, she is not in it because of scripture or doctrine. it's a sociol club for her,