JoinedTopics Started by frankiespeakin
See God With The Persinger 'God Helmet'
by frankiespeakin in
Biblical Injunction To 'Spare the Rod' And Spoil the Child' or 10 Reasons Not To Hit Your Child
by frankiespeakin in
in 37 countries 1 around the world, it is illegal for a parent, teacher, or anyone else to spank a child, and 113 countries prohibit corporal punishment in schools.
Governing Body Member Gerrit Loesch Must Eventually Take The Witness Stand In Child Molestation Lawsuits
by frankiespeakin inwith many more cases in the offing the zalkin lawfirm will press the issue again and again and force gerrit loesch to testify.
what say you?.
To Whom Shall We Go You Have The sayings Of Everlasting Life
by frankiespeakin inof coarse any one claiming to be god's son, is pretty heady stuff.
i look at the words that are found john 6:66-70 and picture a delusional person faced with a huge loss in followers because he wasn't able to make his words pleasing to some and he lost them:.
53 so jesus said to them: most truly i say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in yourselves.+54 whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has everlasting life, and i will resurrect+ him on the last day; 55 for my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink.
Inside the Heaven's Gate Suicide Cult
by frankiespeakin in
Noam Chomsky On Artificial Intelligence , Cognitive Science , and Neuroscience
by frankiespeakin in
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: Noosphere, Is The Internet Becoming One?
by frankiespeakin in
pierre teilhard de chardin sj (french: [pj??
Did Jesus Christ Have A Messianic Superiority Complex?
by frankiespeakin in
a messiah complex (also known as the christ complex or savior complex ) is a state of mind in which an individual holds a belief that they are, or are destined to become, a savior .
the term "messiah complex" is not addressed in the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (dsm) , but symptoms of the disorder closely resemble those found in individuals suffering from grandiose delusions (gd) or delusions of grandeur.
Not On JW.ORG : A List Of Child Molestation Lawsuits The Watchtower Corporation Is Currently Fighting In The Courts Internationally?
by frankiespeakin innow that would be something if they made a big list.
or what even might be better if someone had a lists and posted on their site so that when comes up in a google search their list came up also..'s_witnesses'_handling_of_child_sex_abuse.
lawsuits [ edit ]in a press release dated november 21, 2007, jehovah's witnesses' office of public information stated: [54].