checkout a territory.
don't do it.
return it with fake NH's.
say you have to work sat/sun mornings, or if you must go to save "face", say you have rvs or study. go home and watch tv or go see a movie for 2 hours.
lie on report.
for those of you who are still in because of family circumstances, what do you do about field service?
do you still go regularly, sporadically or not at all?.
if you do still go, how do you manage?
checkout a territory.
don't do it.
return it with fake NH's.
say you have to work sat/sun mornings, or if you must go to save "face", say you have rvs or study. go home and watch tv or go see a movie for 2 hours.
lie on report.
with all the hoopla going on about the rc, i was wondering if anyone has ever heard of or witnessed to someone giving a talk at the rc/ca that went rogue and just started lambasting the society and calling it a cult and liars ect.
i would love to hear about the experience.
like did they turn the mikes off on them?
DoC - Wow, I did not know someone actually listens to the outline side by side. I mean, I knew it was a cult, but that is some deeply scary stuff right there...CONTROL FREAKS :-(
Freddo/Khaleesi - yeah, I heard that a few years ago. Thanks for the reminder! :)
with all the hoopla going on about the rc, i was wondering if anyone has ever heard of or witnessed to someone giving a talk at the rc/ca that went rogue and just started lambasting the society and calling it a cult and liars ect.
i would love to hear about the experience.
like did they turn the mikes off on them?
With all the hoopla going on about the RC, I was wondering if anyone has ever heard of or witnessed to someone giving a talk at the RC/CA that went ROGUE and just started lambasting the Society and calling it a cult and liars ect. I would love to hear about the experience. Like did they turn the mikes off on them? Or were they able to finish their spill? Did they send out the "goons" to carry them off?
Thanks :-) an epic triumph is emotional manipulation.
bringing together all of the stories they told thus far and placing them int he "new world" complete with the little boy who was killed in a car accident coming back from the dead.. i have a good friend who is stuck in with family and plays the role.
he said everyone was crying, and the people next to him rated the videos by how many tissues they needed to dry their eyes.
looks really boring without my iphone, video games, and movies. looks like a sucky eternal life.
God is a sadistic sicko apparently that wants his followers to be bored to tears. Indeed, i'd rather be dead.
for me, i have only purchased just one powerball ticket in my life, that was few years ago and i am thinking about buying some more in the near future.
maybe i should push my luck even more this time.
i am going to buy 10 tickets.
When I was "in", I was always scared of getting caught if i won lol But now I play whenever I feel like tossing away a few extra bucks. Sports bets too, love it.
Actually, there was this one elder that supposedly "found" a lottery ticket for 1 million back when I was 9 or 10. Quite the scandal. He swore up and down he didn't buy it lol Of course, most people saw through it. But he stayed on as an elder. Guess he held up under questioning :)
maybe it's time for a less serious thread .
i have just finished watching dirty dancing ( again ) .
what is your feel good movie , the one that makes you smile and cry happy tears ?
i've been using the forum to vent and post a lot more frequently lately as a venting purpose & way to obtain peace of mind with the craziness i've been going through recently as i fade away form the org.
anyways today i'm sitting here at work and thinking to myself about demons... ok i know this sounds crazy but has anyone else out there been traumatized by the thought of demons?
i had a dream the other night, just flat out spooky and i woke and couldn't help but feeling it may have been evil ole' satan and his demons at it again.. i don't want to believe that, (trying not to, & just brushing it under the rug so to speak) but have any of you out there been talked up about demons?
I for one wish demons and Satan were real. They always seem to have such a good time, with all the sex and drugs and murder and such....unlike that old fogy and phony Jehober. He's so booorring. I would LOVE to worship Satan and his minions.
If, of course, they were real. Good luck with that though.
I bet they will play this in the KH soon. I forsee some of the bro's squirming in their seats. I suspect one of being gay, so I will keep an eye on him. Ex-bethelite sort, came home for "undisclosed" reasons...
Also, the ending is horrible...nothing is mentioned about the actual Bible. It's paradise, animals (gag), ect. What a load of crock to be teaching little kids so young and innocent :(
i am bringing this up because even it was a lot of work, for the majority of the friends this was a rewarding experience.
camaraderie, joking, costumes, props and when the time came the celebrity status of being in the drama.. back in the 50s and 60s, conventions could be as long as 8 days and from about 1966 the dramas became an integral part of the program.
we had one per day and the brothers looked forward to their presentation.
l;ve been giving this some serious consideration lately.l dont have all the answers no one does.we are all entitled to our opinions.l certainly dont believe in evolution as lve researched that subject's important to believe in something even if its for mental health.l believe everything happens for a reason.l also believe if we all live as close to the 10 commandments as possible this world would be a far better place to live and no one can argue with that.
Even if there is a god, he is a souless prick of an a-hole for torturing mankind for centuries. So F him.