nothing new on the horizon they have problems , arrests, razzia's , confiscations of literature and real estate , imprisonment and much more of that for years now in several parts of Russia and countries that were part of the former soviet union. This ban in Samara is just a part of that problem.
Russia is becoming a dictatorstate again with no free press and no independent justice system, no independent media. These actions against the witnesses are instignated by the Russian Orthodox Church. The Patriarch of that Church even lives inside the Kremlin since 2011. I have seen television programs full of lies and propaganda on russian state television about Jehovah's Witnesses.
The Witnesses will appeal to the ECHR but that will not help them, even if they win the case , because Russia does not listen to any institution.
It's sad for the witnesses overthere because life becomes very hard for them. I have several friends (JW's) in St Petersburg. But in the end it will not change anything. Jehovah's Witnesses will stay there and will continue to do their 'work' nothing can or will stop that.