JoinedTopics Started by insidetheKH
Hasta la Vista,.. I'm outta here
by insidetheKH inthe time has come to leave this forum.
this is my last post.
mission completed.
Is disfellowshipping as popular as it was years ago?
by minimus ini seldom hear of people getting df'd anymore.
years ago it seemed there were a few per year in a congregation.
Prince Debuts Cover of Christian Rock Ballad 'What If' - This should be an instant disfellowshipping event
by paulmolark in
so prince sings a christian rock ballad with another young christian woman.
he has engaged in:.
Nigerian scammers are getting hilariously sloppy - read this
by sir82 inhere is part of a scam e-mail delivered to my junk folder (i glance thru it every so often for kicks).
i highlighted the parts i found especially goofy:.
we found your name in our list and that is why we are contacting you, and we are happy to announce to you that every necessary legalarrangement regarding to your compensation has been signed and sealed.
May KM Highlight 1/Cong baptized
by Gayle inat 2014 conventions (regional?
) 14,039 baptized.
outstanding for 13,871 congs!
85 cart days numbered?
by jookbeard inreading a report of an elder in a friends cong has been hiding and spying on the pioneers who seem to have a practise of dumping the cart and finding a local coffee shop, i've noticed that they do this in my local high street as well but this week they seemed to be all huddled around the cart, they've clearly been warned, a vast percentage of the time i see they seem to be more interested in fiddling with their mobile phones and gossiping, is just seems these carts are a means for the pioneers to turn in "easy time" i wonder what sort of figures show how much literature is being taken by the public?
i bet its very minimal.
naturally the gb would say they are a phenomenal success , we clearly know they are not.
Mormon view of JW.ORG
by konceptual99 indoes anyone have any links to how the mormons (or ex mormons for that matter) view the changes that the wts has made over recent years, especially the growth of and characters like caleb & sophia?.
have they noticed?
do they see similarities?
Are the USA and Russia the key actors in end time prophecy?
by scotoma inwhat's the problem with prophecy?prophecy primarily requires a pattern recognition or insightful strategy not an analytical strategy.
prophecy rarely gives names whether of empires or their rulers.
even the name of the messiah - yeshua -wasn't foretold.
Their delusion run-ith over in today WT study rag mag.
by Crazyguy ini noticed that in paragraph 13 they mention the girl sheryl that i believe was the same girl that was in their video about the typhoon that hit the philippines back in 2013. they talk as if she's so happy and thankful to jehovah even mention that she lost most of her family in that typhoon.
what they don't mention was her family members that were killed in that typhoon were inside a kh thinking they were going to be protected by jehovah since they were in gods house and his people and all.
they also fail to mention that the government authorities were telling people to get out of town but the elders were most likely telling the people in their congregations to stick around and just come to the hall.
My JW MIL asked me to help her download a QR app to her iphone
by nonjwspouse inshe is entirely technically challenged, but of course, has been pushed into purchasing the newest ipad and newest iphone .. while attempting to see if she already had a qr app in the iphone ( she thought she might have but couldn't find it) i saw maybe 10 different jw apps on there!
this kind of stuff blows me away when such technologically challenged older people are now getting the latest and greatest ( much newer than anything i have) .
don't even really know how to use them properly or understand them very well sometimes.