Dear OneEyedJoe...part 2,'s like this : I clicked on the msg again, and Lo! There appeared before me a reply button on the blue bar. I SWEAR IT WASN'T THERE BEFORE!
I feel a complete horse's arse...thank-you for your help.
Dear OneEyedJoe...part 2,'s like this : I clicked on the msg again, and Lo! There appeared before me a reply button on the blue bar. I SWEAR IT WASN'T THERE BEFORE!
I feel a complete horse's arse...thank-you for your help.
Dear OneEyedJoe,
Thank-you for replying. There really was no reply button at all. I noticed a red no. 1 beside the little envelope logo, clicked on it,read the msg ok and looked everywhere for a way to reply, but no joy. I really don't want the sender to feel that I am ignoring him. Is there some other way I can contact him. His user name is yadda yadda 2. I hope I haven't broken etiquette by saying that.
completely understand if you don't want to reveal yourself.
pm if you want to.. i was in a congregation in cornwall for 4 1/2 years, you see.. .
I'm in Hampshire UK. Don't PM me without telling me how to reply. I'm a newbie still floundering around this website, and making a complete hash of it, I think.
Please tell me how to reply to a personal message. Thank-you.
i've read on another thread you need to delete the cached file of the profile picture so that it can be updated by the gravatar user.
i created a gravatar account, added the email address i use on here and uploaded the an image, but nothing happens.
this was 3 days ago.. could you please solve this problem?.
Sorry if I'm doing this all wrong, but could somebody please tell me how to reply to a personal msg. I was able to read it, but can't see any reply button or anything. I've been all through the questions on Tech Support, but no go. Help?
happy birthday,dear randy.have a great day and celebration.. .
I should change my user name to Computer's me again, stuck as to how to reply to a specific person. Sorry for butting in.
I noticed I had a msg beside the envelope icon and I have no idea how to respond. There's no reply button; so yadda yadda 2 if you're reading this, I'll reply asap.
How do you all figure out how to maneuvre around this site?...beginning to feel like a dinosaur.
this has got to be a joke.
anyone with half a brain would destroy the logical fallicies in this article.
The 1914 issue, did not originate with CT Russell as far as I know. In the mid 1960's, the congregation I was in had one of the best KH libraries in England. When the word came to destroy much of it, my cong. couldn't do that because it was privately owned and on loan, by two elderly remnant, one not. At that time I was approx 7yrs and they were both in their 90's. My family got to the KH at least an hour before the meeting started, which is an eternity to a I parked myself in the library and read everything. There was even the KH's birthday book...and when I asked about it, the Real Reason why birthdays were stopped was spoken about quite openly. 50 years on...history has been editted.
The same is true re 1914. I read a brochure by a John Smith....I kid you not.....he worked out all the 1914 stuff and it was years before CT Russell used it. I think the date was 1805 or 1810...I know, 1805 was the battle of Trafalgar. so maybe it was 1810. I have mentioned this to an elder in each cong. I have been in...and none of them knows anything about it....curious n'est ce pas?
would somebody please tell this computer-dummy how to join in and respond to comments please?.
i cannot find a single help button and when i click on the little pencil logo, i just get an error msg.. help?.
Thank you so much.
would somebody please tell this computer-dummy how to join in and respond to comments please?.
i cannot find a single help button and when i click on the little pencil logo, i just get an error msg.. help?.
Thank you for that warm welcome, and for the explanation. You wont believe how long it took me to find my own msg and your replies.
I am writing my own idiot's guide for future ref.
For now, I would just like to say how relieved I am to have found this site. I have found that not being believed is the loneliest place in the world...and now I have found all of you. I am finding it difficult to keep a stiff upper lip. Time to walk the dog and be terribly British.
would somebody please tell this computer-dummy how to join in and respond to comments please?.
i cannot find a single help button and when i click on the little pencil logo, i just get an error msg.. help?.
Would somebody please tell this computer-dummy how to join in and respond to comments please?
I cannot find a single Help button and when I click on the little pencil logo, I just get an error msg.