Personally this is what I read and hear about climate change.
1) I can watch a program or read about the Earth, geology, formation of valleys etc
Some geologist is going about how 10,000 yrears ago, the glaciers of the last ice age carved these valleys etc.
Then they slip in "We are now only just coming to the end of that Ice Age."
So are they saying the ice caps melting is just the end of an Ice Age?
2) I watch a program like "Life" or "Blue Planet" by David Attenborough.
He goes on about this animal, fish, plant has evolved.
Then he will say something along the lines of "tens of thousands of years ago the Earth was one vast greenhouse."
Does that mean that with £global warming" just going back to our original world?
3) Again I read that 3% of CO2 per year is by mankinds industries and fuel consumption.
Yet one volcano giving just a minor eruption puts tens times that much out.
Are we going to plug the volcanoes?
4) Again I read that 3% CO2 per year is by mankinds industries and fuel consumption.
But 16% is caused by deforestation, turning peatland and wetlands, over to agriculture or for building on.
So lets cut down on food production and homes to save 16%.
5) As stated above 90% of greenhouse gas is WATER VAPOUR. So stop boling water, lets all switch to cold drinks.
Stop the sun evaporating the oceans and rivers.
You know what that last one reminds me of.
When a JW the Watchtower teaches that when Jehovah created the Earth he put a "water canopy" around it.
Which kept Earth at a greenhouse temprature. So the whole Earth was fertile with no deserts etc.
Later on this was one of the sources for the waters of Noahs Flood.
Maybe God is just replacing the canopy?
So I get scientists telling me we are causing "global warming",
just like in the 1970's we were told by "scientists" that by now we were heading for an Ice Age.
Then what I get is that in off hand comments by other scientists,
in which I get told in a sort of roundabout way that "global warming" is a "natural event".
From what I hear from people I meet and know.
They are becoming very cynical about the whole thing.
They see politics is using it for their own ends.
They are beginning to see "global warming" being used to increase or introduce more forms of taxation.
I'm just waiting for it to be announced that its all a conspiracy by the "New World Order" ; "Freemasons"; Illuminati"; "Jews" etc etc.
Of have they all ready?