"I am a huge critic of what's in the bible and how dangerous it's ideas cab be"
Of course, the Bible is dangerous when one considers it as the word of God.
i have noted that the main problem for those who are seduced by the watchtower society is their ignorance about the bible itself.
people who believe that the bible is the word of god usually ignore the studies on textual criticism and how scientific criteria forbid absurd stories like that of the global flood.
so, i strongly believe that students in schools need at least an obligatory course on "the bible" through the point of view of science and the textual criticism.
"I am a huge critic of what's in the bible and how dangerous it's ideas cab be"
Of course, the Bible is dangerous when one considers it as the word of God.
in the beginning of internet the society was worried about the information published exposing its falsehood.
so, i wonder how many people lost the society on account of forums and web sites like this.
Humans have an inbuilt curiosity in them, and the WTS can do nothing to change that.
My first curiosity was to investigate about the Church Fathers of the second century, because I wanted to verify if the early church had the same doctrines of the Watchtower Society. For instance, I wanted to find the soul-sleep doctrine, but I found the contrary. The same happened with the issue of the cross. I found strong evidences pointing that Christ died on a t-shape crux, and so on.
i have noted that the main problem for those who are seduced by the watchtower society is their ignorance about the bible itself.
people who believe that the bible is the word of god usually ignore the studies on textual criticism and how scientific criteria forbid absurd stories like that of the global flood.
so, i strongly believe that students in schools need at least an obligatory course on "the bible" through the point of view of science and the textual criticism.
so this is only my second post but its about something that has been on my mind for awhile now.
have any of you ever felt the need to pray or speak to a higher power?
do any of you beleive that we were created or have evolved with a "spiritual need"?
in the beginning of internet the society was worried about the information published exposing its falsehood.
so, i wonder how many people lost the society on account of forums and web sites like this.
in the beginning of internet the society was worried about the information published exposing its falsehood.
so, i wonder how many people lost the society on account of forums and web sites like this.
In the beginning of internet the Society was worried about the information published exposing its falsehood. So, I wonder how many people lost the Society on account of forums and web sites like this.
satan, god i'm sorry for my misdeed, will you forgive me.
tell satan.
satan comes.
sometime ago i wrote here in this forum about the case of my sister, who decided to stop attending the meetings because she realised that the watchtower society is an evil organization.
this happened more than one year ago.
i am not living in the same country of my sister, so i learn about her case when she calls me or when she write me through whatsapp.
A letter was sent through a notary public in order to notify the elders of the congregation, "who orally accused her of apostasy, that they must specify in a letter the date of the judicial meeting so as to attend that meeting in the presence of her lawyer to protect her constitutional rights".
Let's see what will they do.
let's think about this for a bit.
adam was tempted and sinned by eating of the fruit.
he missed out on immortality by being denied the tree of life.
Also, if Jesus passed the test and died for us for our sins, why we still die for our sins after 2000 years?. Why do we see too many divisions in the Christian religion? ....So, the Christian doctrine doesn't work, it is a fraud as any other religion. Note that the following is one of the main principles in the Christian religion:
Who is the liar? Whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ ( 1 John 2:22)
So, this religion is accusing whoever denies that Jesus is the Savior of all humans. However, Jesus wrote nothing for us, and his followers gave us a contradictory set of books,
we used to be so close before she got heavily involved in the jw religion.
she actually got me into it (i actually believed all the nonsense) and i went to meetings with her and everything, we were like brother and sister.
she lives in texas now in a remote area where their is no cell phone signal or anything with her dad and mom (i think they said they moved their to get closer to jehovah which is weird).