JoinedPosts by opusdei1972
how the things are going with my sister
by opusdei1972 inthis morning i phoned my sister so as to know how the things are going with her problem with the congregation.
if i remember well, five weeks ago, my sister was asked by the elders (in the street) to attend a judicial meeting for apostasy.
my sister told them that she firstly needs a formal letter specifying who is accusing her.
If the elders disfellowship her for apostasy, she knows that the congregation will speculate about her moral behavior. May be some sisters, who were her friends, will say that she was disfellowshipped for committing sexual immorality, and so on. So, she told me that if she is disfellowshipped, she will make public this act of defamation. -
how the things are going with my sister
by opusdei1972 inthis morning i phoned my sister so as to know how the things are going with her problem with the congregation.
if i remember well, five weeks ago, my sister was asked by the elders (in the street) to attend a judicial meeting for apostasy.
my sister told them that she firstly needs a formal letter specifying who is accusing her.
This morning I phoned my sister so as to know how the things are going with her problem with the congregation. If I remember well, five weeks ago, my sister was asked by the elders (in the street) to attend a judicial meeting for apostasy. My sister told them that she firstly needs a formal letter specifying who is accusing her. But one of the elders, in an uneducated manner, shouted her by saying that she has only one week to attend the judicial meeting for apostasy. After that week, a spy in the congregation phoned my sister and told her that she could hear that one of the elders was talking to other one by cellphone, and this one said that in the next meeting my sister would be disfellowshipped. However, my sister sent to the elders a notification, through a notary, in which she asked the elders to write a formal invitation to do the judicial meeting for apostasy, because she will be present with her lawyer. A copy of this letter was sent to the three elders. After that, my sister phoned one of the elders to ask him when this meeting would be. The elder told her that they will call her. However, until now, nothing happened. It seems that they have stopped the proceeding.
Are they afraid for holding a meeting with a lawyer??
JW.ORG on “uncleanness” that displeases God
by opusdei1972 ini have been recently reading in jw.org the following absurdities on their black and white world: .
do jehovahs witnesses have rules about dating?......christians who want to marry are commanded to choose only a fellow believer.
(1 corinthians 7:39) jehovahs witnesses view this command as referring not merely to a person who respects our beliefs but to one who shares and practices those beliefs as a baptized witness.
I have been recently reading in JW.ORG the following absurdities on their black and white world:
Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Have Rules About Dating?......Christians who want to marry are commanded to choose only a fellow believer. (1 Corinthians 7:39) Jehovah’s Witnesses view this command as referring not merely to a person who respects our beliefs but to one who shares and practices those beliefs as a baptized Witness. (2 Corinthians 6:14) God has always directed his worshippers to marry only those of the same faith. (Genesis 24:3; Malachi 2:11) This command is also practical, as modern researchers have found. *
Even premarital passion-arousing behavior that stops short of sexual immorality is “uncleanness” that displeases God. (Galatians 5:19-21) -
How are Pro-JW sites handling the RC situation ???
by RubaDub insorry as this topic may have been covered many times but any thoughts or links to other topics on how the pro-jw websites are commenting on this.. rub a dub.
You can challenge these guys who are Pro-JW
Australian branch co-ordinator Terrence O'Brien gets called out for lying to the Royal Commission
by Mickey mouse inwatch from 1:47:00 as angus stewart of the royal commission investigation into child abuse calls out the australian branch co-ordinator for lying about geoffrey jackson's role on the governing body.
that since the Governing Body was not23 involved in the implementation and administration of
24 policies and procedures in relation to child sexual abuse,
25 he would not be able to give relevant evidence.
Interestingly, if the GB is supposedly the channel of God on earth, and the organization led by the GB is supposedly God's organization, it means that the policies on sexual abuse in God's organization are not inspired by God. This means that that policies are men's policies, so the Australian branch co-ordinator is admitting that Jehovah's Witnesses are following men's policies and not God's instructions.
Theos and theon
by SonoftheTrinity inoh how dubs will cling to da troof.
this guy was trying to get me to agree that theos and theon were different words for god.
i tried explaining that other languages have grammatical cases and the difference between calling god theos and theon was like the difference between referring to god as he(the subjective case) and him(the objective case.
Harner helped revolutionize our understanding of this grammatical construction and thus went farther than what Colwell did. Colwell was concerned about whether Jo 1:1c made θεος a definite or an indefinite noun. Harner showed that it was neither.
I don't think that a count noun as the noun "theos" can lose its definiteness or its indefiniteness on account of its predicative position in a copulative sentence. I doubt that a common greek reader of the second century could grasp the difference between "kai theos hn ho logos" and "kai ho logos hn theos". So, I think that it is an anachronism to state that the position of the predicate eliminate the definiteness or the indefiniteness of the noun "theos".
It is very important to listen how a common greek reader understood naturally the sentence. Origen, commented what was the common confusion in the in the third century about John 1:1:
Now there are many who are sincerely concerned about religion, and who fall here into great perplexity. They are afraid that they may be proclaiming two Gods, and their fear drives them into doctrines which are false and wicked. (Origen, Commentary on John, book II, chapter II)
So, the many greek readers understood the anarthrous "theos" in John 1:1c as indefinite, because it is a count noun, not a mass noun. Of course, it caused terrible theological implications, because it affected the concept of the existence of "one and only true God". But we don't know what the writer of the first chapter of the Gospel of John had in mind. May be he was influenced by Philo's theology.
Theos and theon
by SonoftheTrinity inoh how dubs will cling to da troof.
this guy was trying to get me to agree that theos and theon were different words for god.
i tried explaining that other languages have grammatical cases and the difference between calling god theos and theon was like the difference between referring to god as he(the subjective case) and him(the objective case.
For anyone who is interested in understanding how scholars can translate John 1:1c, you must ask them the following. Change the word "logos" by other one, like "Zeus". So, ask them, without talking about of John 1:1, how would they translate the following sentence:
All of them will agree that it means "Zeus was a god". But they can admit that it may mean "Zeus was God" if the writer believed that Zeus was the only true God. Both are correct translations, but the context defines the definiteness of indefiniteness of the anarthrous. The problem is if you show them the noun "logos" instead of "Zeus", because it has theological consequences.
Theos and theon
by SonoftheTrinity inoh how dubs will cling to da troof.
this guy was trying to get me to agree that theos and theon were different words for god.
i tried explaining that other languages have grammatical cases and the difference between calling god theos and theon was like the difference between referring to god as he(the subjective case) and him(the objective case.
Harner has gone beyond Colwell's research and has discovered that anarthrous predicate nouns preceding the verb function primarily to express the nature or character of the subject.
Yes, I have read the article, and I can say that the position does not exclude the indefiniteness or the definiteness of an anarthrous. Again, I have to say that only the writer knew if he meant by "kai theos hn ho logos": "The Word was God" or "the Word was a god".
Theos and theon
by SonoftheTrinity inoh how dubs will cling to da troof.
this guy was trying to get me to agree that theos and theon were different words for god.
i tried explaining that other languages have grammatical cases and the difference between calling god theos and theon was like the difference between referring to god as he(the subjective case) and him(the objective case.
Also, in the first century there was no such a rule as that of Colwell. -
Theos and theon
by SonoftheTrinity inoh how dubs will cling to da troof.
this guy was trying to get me to agree that theos and theon were different words for god.
i tried explaining that other languages have grammatical cases and the difference between calling god theos and theon was like the difference between referring to god as he(the subjective case) and him(the objective case.
There is no statement in our grammar that was ever meant to imply that "a god" was a permissible translation in John 1:1.
The above statement is plenty dishonest for a scholar. I did my own research in finding the same greek structures and it is clear that, depending on the context, you can interpret the anarthous as indefinite. Of course, I am not saying as the Watchtower that we must translate it as "a god", but it is not grammatically incorrect.