The following links can provide you the old literature of the Watchtower Society:
hey everyone.
i'm a university student very interested in the history of the jehova's witnesses, from the university of fribourg, switzerland.
i would like to do an analysis of pictures of africa in the watchtower for a small research project.
The following links can provide you the old literature of the Watchtower Society:
according to the watchtower's insight encyclopedia : .
the catastrophic destruction of men and animals by an overwhelming flood in the days of noah, 2370 b.c.e.
this greatest cataclysm in all human history was sent by jehovah because wicked men had filled the earth with violence.
According to the Watchtower's Insight Encyclopedia :
The catastrophic destruction of men and animals by an overwhelming flood in the days of Noah, 2370 B.C.E. This greatest cataclysm in all human history was sent by Jehovah because wicked men had filled the earth with violence. The survival of righteous Noah and his family, eight souls in all, together with selected animals, was by means of a huge ark, or chest.—Ge 6:9–9:19; 1Pe 3:20;
So, the Bible book of Genesis says in chapter 10 (according to the New International Version):
This is the account of Shem, Ham and Japheth, Noah’s sons, who themselves had sons after the flood....The sons of Ham: Cush, Egypt, Put and Canaan.....Egypt was the father of the Ludites, Anamites, Lehabites, Naphtuhites, Pathrusites, Kasluhites (from whom the Philistines came) and Caphtorites.
Therefore, the book of Genesis tells us that the egyptians became to exist after the Flood, after 2370 BC. Nevertheless, the Egyptian Museum in Cairo recently began putting on display the country's oldest papyruses, which date back 4500 years (2500 BC), detailing the daily life of the pyramid-builders. So, this papyrus is somewhat older than the biblical Flood. The earliest known evidence of Egyptian hieroglyphic inscriptions appeared during the predynastic period on Naqada III pottery vessels, dated to about 3200 BC. But this should'nt be a suprise, because due to the evidence of rock carvings along the Nile terraces and in desert oases, in the 10th millennium BC, a culture of hunter-gatherers and fishers was replaced by a grain-grinding culture. Climate changes or overgrazing around 8000 BC began to desiccate the pastoral lands of Egypt, forming the Sahara. Early tribal peoples migrated to the Nile River where they developed a settled agricultural economy and more centralised society. So, how could ancient egyptians exist around 8000 BC, if the Bible says that there were no egyptians before 2370 BC ? .
The Watchtower Society propagates the idea that blood transfusions are like rape. So if you permit a blood transfusion you would be accepting fornication:
*** w91 6/15 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***
We can appreciate, then, why the young Christian mentioned on page 17 told a court that "she considered a transfusion an invasion of her body and compared it to rape." Would any Christian woman, young or old, passively submit to rape, even if there were a legal grant that the fornication by sexual assault be carried out?
4300 in attendance - 17 baptized.
odd mix of congregations assigned, i'm sure to throw off any scent of a decline.. no distinction made whatsoever between loyalty to jehovah god and loyalty to the watchtower bible and tract society.
the convention is riddled with parts whipping up your love for the creator and jesus, with a quick reminder that the wbts are their gatekeepers.. parallels are implied constantly between israel and jehovah's witnesses.
Interestingly, the Hebrew Scriptures are conveniently reconfigured by the Governing Body so as to be applied to the Watchtower Society. The Bible is used to support many absurdities.
your thoughts , and is in it interesting how much jesus teachings seem to contradict the jewish god jehovah.
In the fourth Gospel we find that Jesus says that we must eat his blood and his flesh so as to live. However, the author (or one of the authors) of the Fourth Gospel invented Jesus' words in order to fulfill a theological agenda against the Jews who were opposing Christians in the beginning of the second century. So, it is unlikely that Jesus said "you must eat my blood" or "before Abraham I AM", as the Fourth Gospel tells us.
Nevertheless, the words "unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you", are in the Fourth Gospel, so, if a christian believes that Jesus said that, it clearly contradicts the way Jehovah's Witnesses celebrate the Last Supper and in certain sense contradicts the ban of eating blood.
there's simply no way to honestly deny that the ot condones genocide, slavery and misogyny.
there are too many passage showing yahweh commanding his people to wipe out this nation and that nation - women and innocent children included!
it leaves us with a god who wrote a book that very, very, very much seems like it condones genocide, but it doesn't, etc.. what kind of god does that?
I have treated some of this absurdities of the Old Testament in my web page in Spanish.
However, in some articles I have shown how the lunatic behavior of Yahweh has been cleverly used
by the Watchtower's leaders so as to get control over the majority of the witnesses. Of course, the jewish
scribes had the same agenda when invented the personality of this god of cartoons.
( article as a document.
jehovah’s witnesses vs. basic christianity.
“by his spirit, the holy spirit, jehovah god guides or leads his people up to a certain point of time, and thus he did until the time when ‘the comforter’ was taken away, which would necessarily occur when jesus, the head of his organization, came to the temple and gathered unto himself those whom he found faithful when he, as the great judge, began his judgment, in 1918.”.
I would like to add the words of Rutherford on 1918:
The evidence shows that a great separating work has been going on since 1918...... The evidence is conclusive that the Lord is now in his temple and that there is a unity of faith and knowledge among those who are in the temple. There is now a clearer vision of God's purposes revealed to the temple class. ….....But it seems certain that when Jesus came to his temple and began his work of judgment he would direct his holy angels to take the necessary action to cause the separation of the disapproved from the approved ones, and would use his angels to bear messages to them to direct the approved ones as to what to do. (The Watchtower September 1st 1930 Issue, Page 262,263)
( article as a document.
jehovah’s witnesses vs. basic christianity.
“by his spirit, the holy spirit, jehovah god guides or leads his people up to a certain point of time, and thus he did until the time when ‘the comforter’ was taken away, which would necessarily occur when jesus, the head of his organization, came to the temple and gathered unto himself those whom he found faithful when he, as the great judge, began his judgment, in 1918.”.
This stuff about the holy spirit being ceased to function in 1918, was even published as an study article in The Watchtower, September 1, 1930. Currently, many of the Witnesses ignore it, but they should know about it, because the Governing Body still teaches that Jesus appointed in 1919 his faithful and discreet slave, and of course, the leader of this gang of lunatics was Joseph Rutherford, who propagated this new doctrine of the holy spirit.