Governing Body Anthony Morris gives talk at convention. Child refuses blood dies
by Watchtower-Free 26 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Sick manipulating, criminal bastard!
Died waiting on the WT pipe dream.........
Simply put, this practice is child sacrifice to a bronze age desert deity.
Wake up lurkers...
Horrible and sickening. Cult propaganda and influence at its worst!
Half banana
There is nothing, absolutely nothing, which feeds cult paranoia like martyrdom.
The Watchtower Society propagates the idea that blood transfusions are like rape. So if you permit a blood transfusion you would be accepting fornication:
*** w91 6/15 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***
We can appreciate, then, why the young Christian mentioned on page 17 told a court that "she considered a transfusion an invasion of her body and compared it to rape." Would any Christian woman, young or old, passively submit to rape, even if there were a legal grant that the fornication by sexual assault be carried out?
That is so sad and anger inducing I can't watch.
The boy refused a life-saving treatment because he wanted to "respect the sanctity of life", and so he died.
There is not a single person in that audience who could pick up a bible and defend their position on blood transfusions and yet they sacrifice their children on the altar of blind obedience to a cult.
This would never happen in the UK. Judges overrule parents wishes on blood without hesitation.