After reading the answers of Geoffrey Jackson before the RC, answers like "it is not my field", we may infer that it is possible that this guy is just a puppet in the Governing Body. For instance, Raymond Franz reported in his books that some of the members of the GB of his time were simply followers of what Fred Franz thought. So, during a decision, if Freddy said some thing, many of the members would vote following him. May be it is happening the same thing in the current GB.
For example, suppose that the GB had to approve the following stupid phrase that would appear in the Watchtower:
All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether
these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not. (The Watchtower, November 2013)
May be this sentence was proposed by Gerrit Losch, but Geoffrey does not like it because it is too sectarian, however, Thony Morris loved it, and approved it, and so Stephen Lett, and so on. Accordingly, Geoffrey just followed the gang.