Hi Marvster:
JoinedPosts by opusdei1972
The Watchtower says: The Septuagint became God's Word
by opusdei1972 inthe last edition of the watchtower (study edition) says the following:.
alexander the great later conquered much of the ancient world, and common, or koine, greek became an international language.
so, in this verse the septuagint was not god's word according to matthew.
The Watchtower says: The Septuagint became God's Word
by opusdei1972 inthe last edition of the watchtower (study edition) says the following:.
alexander the great later conquered much of the ancient world, and common, or koine, greek became an international language.
so, in this verse the septuagint was not god's word according to matthew.
In page 17, the Watchtower (Study Edition, December 2015), says:
For example, at 2 Samuel 13:21, the Greek Septuagint contains the equivalent of the words: “But he would not hurt the feelings of Amnon his son, because he loved him, for he was his firstborn.” Earlier versions of the New World Translation did not include these words because they are not in the Masoretic text. However, the Dead Sea Scrolls do contain these words, which are now included in the 2013 revision.
Note that The Watchtower has not shown a good argument for adding those Septuagint's words. They didn't include them "because they are not in the Massoretic text". However, we know that the Massoretic text does not contain, for instance, some chapters of the book of Daniel, but they appear in the Septuagint. Why doesn't the GB add them now?. Furthermore, the Dead Sea Scrolls contain writings of the Apocrypha, which appear in the Septuagint. This fact has been used in favor to Catholic Bible, which contains some of the Apocrypha.
The Watchtower says: The Septuagint became God's Word
by opusdei1972 inthe last edition of the watchtower (study edition) says the following:.
alexander the great later conquered much of the ancient world, and common, or koine, greek became an international language.
so, in this verse the septuagint was not god's word according to matthew.
The last edition of the Watchtower (Study Edition) says the following:
Alexander the Great later conquered much of the ancient world, and common, or Koine, Greek became an international language. Many Jews began to speak that language, leading to the translation of the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek. This translation, thought to have been done by 72 translators, became known as the Septuagint. It was the first translation of the Bible and one of the most important. The work of so many translators resulted in varied translation styles, from literal to rather free. Nevertheless, the Septuagint was viewed as God’s Word by Greek-speaking Jews and later by Christians. ........
It is noteworthy that when writers of the Christian Greek Scriptures quoted from the Hebrew Scriptures, they usually did so from the Septuagint. These quotations, which at times vary somewhat from the exact Hebrew wording, are now part of the inspired Scriptures. Thus, the work of imperfect human translators became part of the inspired Word of God, a God who does not favor one culture or language over another.—Read Acts 10:34.
(The Watchtower, December 2015, page 5, paragraphs 5 and 9)
Interestingly, the Watchtower is stating that "the Septuagint was viewed as God's Word....by Christians" and it "became part of the inspired Word of God" though it was "the work of imperfect human translators". Furthermore, the Watchtower admits that the Septuagint "at times vary somewhat from the exact Hebrew wording". So, in other words, the Governing Body is saying that an imperfect translation can result in an inspired work.
Let's read some Septuagint's errors:
The virgin shall be with child and shall bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanu-El. (Isaiah 7:14)
The Septuagint mistranslated the hebrew word "almah" (young woman) by the greek word "parthenos" (virgin). So, Christians misused this verse so as to "prove" that Mary was virgin after conceiving Jesus.
Another example is Hebrews 10:5,6, where the author of this NT letter quoted Psalm 40:6 form the Septuagint:
So when he comes into the world, he says: “‘Sacrifice and offering you did not want, but you prepared a body for me. You did not approve of whole burnt offerings and sin offerings.’
However, the Hebrew Bible says:
Sacrifice and offering you did not desire. But you opened up my ears to hear. You did not ask for burnt offerings and sin offerings. (Psalm 40:6)
Note that the phrase "you prepared a body for me" is absent in the Hebrew Bible, but the author of the letter to the Hebrews quoted this Septuagint's verse conveniently.
Now, note the following Matthew's trick :
So Joseph got up and by night took along the young child and the child’s mother and went into Egypt. He stayed there until the death of Herod. This fulfilled what was spoken by Jehovah through his prophet, saying: “Out of Egypt I called my son.” (Matthew 2:14-15)
Matthew quoted the phrase “Out of Egypt I called my son” from the Hebrew Bible in Hosea 11:1, because the Septuagint reads "out of Egypt have I called his children". So, in this verse the Septuagint was not God's Word according to Matthew.
Do you note how this stuff is a mess???
A Judicial experience.
by John Aquila inwhen i was an elder in the 80s, a 16 year old baptized jw girl had confessed that at school during lunch a boy kissed her and touched her privates over her dress.
the circuit overseer was in town and we told him of the situation and he called the society and then told us that mother said we were not allowed to conduct the funeral in the kingdom hall or anywhere else with the threat of removing us and being dealt with judicially if we disobeyed.
the mother who is about 79 years old comes once a year to talk to my mom about the situation.
In general, the elders are cowards. .....In the case of my sister, who was being threatened by elders, the elders have stopped the judicial proceeding after being notified by my sister so as to meet them with her lawyer. -
by suavojr inare you on the road to everlasting life?.
note to the speaker: help bible students and interested ones to understand why and how to make further spiritual progress..
emphasize the many sources of help available, and warmly encourage them to act without delay.
HOW TO BEGIN WALKING ON ‘THE ROAD TO LIFE’ .....Begin by building faith based on accurate Bible knowledge
There was no unique Bible in the first century. For instance, some Christians of the first century believed that the book of Enoch was Scripture, so Jude quoted it. Other christian churches in the second and the third century ignored that there was a second letter of Peter.
On the other hand, many unlearned Christians could not read the Bible in the Middle Ages, because they did not know how to read any manuscript. Accordingly, if the Bible were essential for life, why did God forget millions of those unlearned persons in the Medieval Period??
It seems that God is not concerned about the Bible.
If there is a God, it must be evil
by opusdei1972 insuppose there is a god.
if he projected the human race, he knew that things like this would happen:.
Suppose there is a God. If he projected the human race, he knew that things like this would happen:
However, this God does simply nothing. It is totally inactive in this world. So, why should we worship him?.
How many here believed, down deep in your heart that the end would come in 1975?
by James Mixon ini was straddling the fence on that one, just in case they were right.
i don't recall.
telling anyone this is your last chance.
Look at to my face. I was the author of that nonsene, doesn't it?. However, nothing happened to me. While many naive witnesses sold their belongings and avoided to go to college so as to preach my false prophecy on 1975, I was comfortable in my flat in Columbia Heights. Nothing happened to me after the fiasco, because I continued to be the Jehovah's seer in the organization, without any censure. Brother Russell and Brother Rutherford were very proud of me in heaven, because I followed their steps. They, like me, proclaimed and enjoyed their own false prophecies deceiving many people, but they continued to live without censure with the money of the brotherhood. Is it not wonderful?? -
Geoffrey Jackson on "corporal punishment"
by opusdei1972 inhere is another jackson's misleading answer, from the transcript of august 14 :.
25 q. do you accept corporal punishment?
29 a. not not personally, no, and not as an organisation 30 we don't encourage it.
Here is another Jackson's misleading answer, from the transcript of August 14 :
25 Q. Do you accept corporal punishment?
26 A. No.
28 Q. You don't?
29 A. Not ‐ not personally, no, and not as an organisation ‐
30 we don't encourage it.
32 Q. But do you prohibit it?
33 A. Our literature has pointed out that the true way to
34 discipline children is by educating them, not giving
35 corporal punishment. Your Honour, I can only tell you the
36 spirit behind our writings.
However, this is what I found in the Watchtower's article "Reliable Advice for Raising Children" (w06 11/1 pp. 4-7):
With regard to discipline, the Bible states: “The rod and reproof are what give wisdom.” (Proverbs 29:15) However, not all children need physical punishment. Proverbs 17:10 tells us: “A rebuke works deeper in one having understanding than striking a stupid one a hundred times.”
Accordingly, Geoffrey Jackson, as a member of the governing body, was not sincere in his answer, because Watchtower's publications do permit physical punishment. -
GB member Geoffrey Jackson is lying!
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite inokay, i know the royal commission hasn't started yet.
but i'm confident enough that he will be telling some whoppers.
so i thought i'd be the first to get a thread started for something that will begin... very soon now!.
Q. Is that something that you foresee might happen ‐ in
other words, that an apology at least be considered?
A. The Governing Body has apologised on other matters, so
for me to say ‐ I can't speak collectively for everybody,
but we have apologised on things in the past, in other
areas, so it is perceivable.G. Jackson is a liar. No apology was given after changing their view on vaccination in 1952. Many witnesses faced trials for refusing vaccination. No apology was given after finishing the organ transplant ban. No apology was given after stopping the ban on clotting factors for the treatment of hemophilia. No apology was given after finishing the ban on the civil service for substituting the military service, and so on.
May be G. Jackson is a puppet
by opusdei1972 inafter reading the answers of geoffrey jackson before the rc, answers like "it is not my field", we may infer that it is possible that this guy is just a puppet in the governing body.
for instance, raymond franz reported in his books that some of the members of the gb of his time were simply followers of what fred franz thought.
so, during a decision, if freddy said some thing, many of the members would vote following him.
After reading the answers of Geoffrey Jackson before the RC, answers like "it is not my field", we may infer that it is possible that this guy is just a puppet in the Governing Body. For instance, Raymond Franz reported in his books that some of the members of the GB of his time were simply followers of what Fred Franz thought. So, during a decision, if Freddy said some thing, many of the members would vote following him. May be it is happening the same thing in the current GB.
For example, suppose that the GB had to approve the following stupid phrase that would appear in the Watchtower:
All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not. (The Watchtower, November 2013)
May be this sentence was proposed by Gerrit Losch, but Geoffrey does not like it because it is too sectarian, however, Thony Morris loved it, and approved it, and so Stephen Lett, and so on. Accordingly, Geoffrey just followed the gang.