Yesterday my sister
presented, against the two stalker elders, a complaint before the
district prosecutor. The prosecutor said to my sister that in the
country there are freedom of religion, so it is totally illegal to
accuse a person loudly in the street before her neighbors , and to
insist for going to a illegal judicial questioning. She even
showed to the prosecutor a past notification in which she asked to
the elders a written document specifying the charge of apostasy so as
to attend the judiciary meeting with her attorney. She told him that
the elders never answered that notification. The prosecutor said
that, of course, they avoided it because that judiciary meeting is
illegal. So, the next week the two elders will be questioned by the
prosecutor before my sister.
My sister simply
does not want to write a letter of disassociation and she also does
not want to be stalked by the elders in the street. She just want to
live in peace and to get out of his apartment every morning so as to
go to her job without any molestation. She also told to the
prosecutor that she was a Jehovah's
witness for 40 years, but some years ago she discovered many ethical
contradictions, so for this reason she does not want to attend those
religious meetings .
The next week, with
the elders and the prosecutor, my sister wants to show to the
prosecutor some portions of the book of the elders (Could she do it
even when this book is forbidden?).