JoinedPosts by opusdei1972
Today the two elders did not appear to declare at prosecutor's citation
by opusdei1972 intoday the two elders who stalked my sister were absent at the prosecutor's citation.
they were waited for 1 hour, but they did not come.
this attitude favors their culpability.
Wild-Thing: The statement about "those who disassociate themselves" appears in Watchtower 1981 Sept 15 p.20-26 Disfellowshiping—How to View It -
Today the two elders did not appear to declare at prosecutor's citation
by opusdei1972 intoday the two elders who stalked my sister were absent at the prosecutor's citation.
they were waited for 1 hour, but they did not come.
this attitude favors their culpability.
"If a member of the media or an attorney representing the accused contacts the elders, they should not give him any information about the case or verify that there is a judicial committee"
The above words clearly reveal the illegal nature of a judicial committee.
Today the two elders did not appear to declare at prosecutor's citation
by opusdei1972 intoday the two elders who stalked my sister were absent at the prosecutor's citation.
they were waited for 1 hour, but they did not come.
this attitude favors their culpability.
Wild_Thing: I don't know of an updated version, but I sent to my sister the spanish version which is in internet. It's a 2010 version. -
Today the two elders did not appear to declare at prosecutor's citation
by opusdei1972 intoday the two elders who stalked my sister were absent at the prosecutor's citation.
they were waited for 1 hour, but they did not come.
this attitude favors their culpability.
More people is knowing the intolerance of this sect. -
Today the two elders did not appear to declare at prosecutor's citation
by opusdei1972 intoday the two elders who stalked my sister were absent at the prosecutor's citation.
they were waited for 1 hour, but they did not come.
this attitude favors their culpability.
Today the two elders who stalked my sister were absent at the Prosecutor's citation.
They were waited for 1 hour, but they did not come. This attitude favors their culpability.
They were notified to attend the interrogatory, but they simply ignored the citation.
It seems that they were instructed by the Bethel Branch to avoid this interrogatory.
However, the prosecutor said that they were notified for this unique citation and they will be notified for this absence too. Accordingly, my sister will receive from the prosecutor a document protecting her, in which the two elders can't approach her again. Furthermore, my sister gave to the prosecutor a copy of the book “Shepher the flock of God”, and showed him some portions. One of these portions says that the elders must not admit to any journalist or attorney the existence of a judiciary committee. So, he was surprised and said that this is an interesting document to be analyzed and considered just in case.
While waiting the elders, my sister was accompained by her boss, who is an old woman, who leads a high school. She became also very surprised when my sister showed her the judiciary procedures of the book of the elders, and especially after reading the following Watchtower's words (of the 1981 Spanish version):
Persons who make themselves "not of our sort" by deliberately rejecting the faith and beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses should appropriately be viewed and treated as are those who have been disfellowshiped for wrongdoing.
Handwriting study finds clues to when Bible texts were written.
by James Mixon inabcnews.
"heading "handwriting study finds clues to when bible texts were written".. the finding contribute to a longstanding debate about when biblical text first began.
to be compiled: did it take place before or after the babylonian siege and destruction.
The Study does not prove the historicity of the stories in the Book of Exodus, for instance. It only suggests that there could be manuscripts before the Babylonian siege because there was literacy, but, as we can observe, different and contradictory stories were compiled to form the first five books of the Bible. -
Handwriting study finds clues to when Bible texts were written.
by James Mixon inabcnews.
"heading "handwriting study finds clues to when bible texts were written".. the finding contribute to a longstanding debate about when biblical text first began.
to be compiled: did it take place before or after the babylonian siege and destruction.
For instance, it is believed that the story of Genesis in which the world is created in 6 days was invented to support the theological doctrine about the Sabbath. The same seems to be happened with some other doctrines, they were placed as received by Moses, in the book of Exodus, so as to support later policies invented by scribes. -
Handwriting study finds clues to when Bible texts were written.
by James Mixon inabcnews.
"heading "handwriting study finds clues to when bible texts were written".. the finding contribute to a longstanding debate about when biblical text first began.
to be compiled: did it take place before or after the babylonian siege and destruction.
I think that some stories of the OT came from periods before the Babylonian siege, however, they were tampered and edited by the scribes in the time of Ezra. And of course, the book of Daniel is a forgery of the second century before Christ. -
My sister denounced the two elders
by opusdei1972 inyesterday my sister presented, against the two stalker elders, a complaint before the district prosecutor.
the prosecutor said to my sister that in the country there are freedom of religion, so it is totally illegal to accuse a person loudly in the street before her neighbors , and to insist for going to a illegal judicial questioning.
she even showed to the prosecutor a past notification in which she asked to the elders a written document specifying the charge of apostasy so as to attend the judiciary meeting with her attorney.
Yes, the elder book she has (In Spanish), is a printed copy of that which was published in internet by "apostate" friends.
This the 2010 edition of "Shepherd the Flock of God". This would be useful in case they deny before the prosecutor the existence of the judiciary meeting.
My sister denounced the two elders
by opusdei1972 inyesterday my sister presented, against the two stalker elders, a complaint before the district prosecutor.
the prosecutor said to my sister that in the country there are freedom of religion, so it is totally illegal to accuse a person loudly in the street before her neighbors , and to insist for going to a illegal judicial questioning.
she even showed to the prosecutor a past notification in which she asked to the elders a written document specifying the charge of apostasy so as to attend the judiciary meeting with her attorney.
Yesterday my sister presented, against the two stalker elders, a complaint before the district prosecutor. The prosecutor said to my sister that in the country there are freedom of religion, so it is totally illegal to accuse a person loudly in the street before her neighbors , and to insist for going to a illegal judicial questioning. She even showed to the prosecutor a past notification in which she asked to the elders a written document specifying the charge of apostasy so as to attend the judiciary meeting with her attorney. She told him that the elders never answered that notification. The prosecutor said that, of course, they avoided it because that judiciary meeting is illegal. So, the next week the two elders will be questioned by the prosecutor before my sister.
My sister simply does not want to write a letter of disassociation and she also does not want to be stalked by the elders in the street. She just want to live in peace and to get out of his apartment every morning so as to go to her job without any molestation. She also told to the prosecutor that she was a Jehovah's witness for 40 years, but some years ago she discovered many ethical contradictions, so for this reason she does not want to attend those religious meetings .
The next week, with the elders and the prosecutor, my sister wants to show to the prosecutor some portions of the book of the elders (Could she do it even when this book is forbidden?).